Chapter 3: Engagement from Hell!

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Desmond: Are you out of your fucking mind!?

Sydney snitched on Logan, she told nearly everyone she can that will try to talk him out of this engagement with Ariana, not just because she's crushing on the guy but because Logan and Ariana are not a good match, they've seemed to have falling into this weird mindset where arguing all the time and occasional sex is a healthy relationship, Sydney only knows about the sex part because the walls are actually thinner here then they look.

Logan: I don't see what the problem is. I thought you of all people would be happy for me.

Desmond has been Logan's longest friend, literally, they've been friends since they were in diapers, Sydney made sure that he was the first name she called, the other two were Duncan and Alex, all his other friends still live in London, although Des did have to come to New York from Los Angeles, from his wife and kids because his best friend is being an idiot.

Desmond: Trust me, when you find that special someone and actually fall in Love. I'll be over the moon for you but this isn't that...

Logan cleared wasn't listening or in the mood to actually listen, so he shrugged while Duncan, Alex, Zendaya, Victoria and Sydney all watched and tried to talk some sense into Logan before he screws up too much, Sydney just want's what's best for Logan at this point, whether it's her or not, doesn't matter, what matter's is that Ariana isn't what's best for him and it needs to end, sooner rather then later.

Desmond: ... Arguing and constantly cheating on the other, isn't a healthy relationship.

This is what Sydney couldn't do, she couldn't bring out the low blows for this to work, Desmond can because he knows more about Logan, then even Logan does, Logan's cheated before, she knows that, they know that and he knows that, a few of them didn't know he cheated on Ariana though, that's news to them.

Logan: Wait, hold on. I've never cheated on Ari. 

Logan actually looked like he believed that as well but Sydney knows he's not telling the truth here, so does Alex and thankfully Alex is here to call him out on it because Sydney's not sure she can, this is what guys are good at, the tough love side of their little "bro-code", women aren't like that, they'll talk as much trash about you behind your back but when it actually comes to this sort of thing, they got nothing.

Alex: Actually, I know for a fact that's not true. 

Everyone looked to Alex now as he sat back on the couch with Victoria beside him, Logan's not sure how these two met, it must have been a dm's thing or a party, it didn't matter, they looked cute together and that's all that matters, actually, it's not, Logan and Ariana are cute together but their slowly destroying the other one day at a time.

Alex: Remember when we were filming "Anyone But You"? You and Hadley went missing for a while.

Alex leant forward resting his elbows on his knees while it was only Logan and Desmond standing, Sydney was there that day, she remembered that they couldn't be found but she had no idea they were doing that, she just figured they got caught up in whatever they were doing, apparently she was right just not in the way she was intending.

Logan: Really? I don't remember that. Maybe that's why she keeps blowing up my phone.

Logan pulled out his phone to see he had got a text from her, he hummed and ignored it though, he has a few messages from her a day, he's not really sure what she's after, maybe she has no idea he's in a relationship but that's Logan's place to let her down easily, apparently he hasn't done that.

Since Day One! *On Hold ~ For Now*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora