As soon as the girl was settled comfortably in my arms, my father tucked my fur around her, to shield her from the harsh winds.

Once again, I fought the smile on the edge of my lips as I thought about how ridiculous I must look. From the front, covered in furs. From the back, nothing but my skin prevented my blood from freezing entirely.

As we walked, I couldn't help but notice how cold the girl laying in my arms truly was. Rubbing my hands over her frozen limbs, I hoped the friction would help bring some life back into her. The worry started building in my chest as I looked, once again, upon her feminine features.

Feeling a blush creep up into my cheeks, I looked forward once more. It would do the girl no good if I face planted in the snow, while gazing upon her beautiful features.

My cheeks started tingling as my blush deepened. I really shouldn't be thinking about her like that, as she lay vulnerable in my arms.

Sighing, I focused on the path ahead of me as we walked and walked. Soon I could feel my arms growing tired, wishing for the campsite to be upon us. More importantly, I was hoping that this girl would make it out of this mountain alive.

Finally, as my feet breached the edge of our campsite, my fellow hunters settled all around me, I was able to lay the girl down on a bedroll. My back was numb from the biting winds that were whipping all around me, my arms tingly as they regained proper circulation.

I could hear the murmurs all around me, as the hunters noticed the lone girl in this company of men. My father's name, Theron, was called numerous times as the men around me sought an explanation. While some seemed to have been told prior about the missing person in the mountains, it seemed the majority had not.

Crouching by the girl, I left my fur tucked snugly around her, gazing at the fire Milo was making near us. Clearing my throat loudly, getting his attention, I looked meaningfully at him. Watching the internal battle taking place inside of him, I waited for him to break, as I knew he would. It only took a moment before he started rambling.

" Look, I was going to cover for you, as you asked, but then I couldn't stop thinking of all the animals out there... and there could be an avalanche... or a landslide, and you know the rules. We always stay together no matter what. I couldn't break the rules, not even for you," Milo murmured softly pausing momentarily before continuing quietly. " The rules are there for a reason you know. They're only meant to protect you."

Looking over at his face, focused intently on catching the tinder alight, I debated his words. Sighing, I knew he was right. Milo's sense of right and wrong would always prevail. I knew it was because he cared for my well being, so I decided to let my frustrations go.

Like my father, Milo was of both sturdy build and character, and more often than not, felt the need to be the protector of all those around him. This characteristic is one of his in which I can't fault him for.

Looking down at the girl's face once more, I could feel the worry, once again, start to gnaw at my chest. Gazing at the fire once more, noticing the tinder had finally caught alight, I gently lifted the girl into my arms. Gesturing to Milo to grab the bedroll she had been laying on, we settled her as close to the fire as was safe.

Lowering myself to the ground, I grunted softly as my aching muscles were forced to change positions. Gazing into the depths of the flickering fire before me, my eyes followed the flying embers as they soared into the night, before flickering out suddenly. Away from their energy source, they lost the ability to sustain their life. Much like humans in a way.

Time trickled around me unaware, so when my father approached me some time later, I was uncertain the extent in which time had passed. Stopping in front of me, my father peered down at me patiently, waiting for me to get to my feet.

Containing my grunt, I stood stiffly, waiting for my father to speak. When his mouth remained closed, I followed the line of his gaze. His eyes, not on me, were alternatively on the girl lying by the fire, the embers floating around her like fireflies.

"Take off your tunic," My father grunted abruptly, his brow furrowed with worry. Knowing, once again, not to argue with him, I whipped the piece of clothing over my head and dropped the garment limply into the snow at my feet.

I hadn't yet registered the cold when my father gestured for me to lay next to the girl. Confused and uncertain, I hesitated to obey his instruction. It didn't feel right to be that close to the girl without her permission, no matter the reason.

My father must have seen the unease in my eyes, for his eyes softened, losing their impatient edge. He knew the culture of our village, and the respect we both had for it. Honour was important in our family, and something I wasn't willing to compromise.

"Vardan," my father murmured, meeting my eyes, " The girl will die without another person's body heat to force her to warm up. Besides you and Milo, the rest of us are already committed to our own ladies, and it wouldn't be right to touch another woman. So, between you and Milo, one of you needs to be responsible for the lass."

Knowing he had one, I settled in uncomfortably next to the girl. Her frozen skin, chilling me to the bone. While I may find her adorable, I didn't like the feeling of breaching someone's boundaries without them knowing. However I also didn't like the idea of any other man in this position either, and I certainly don't want to be responsible for the girl's death.

I stayed awake for a while after that, waiting for the girl's skin to warm up, so mine could return to its usual temperature. Even with the fur tucked around the two of us, the girl's back pressed snugly against my warm chest, her temperature refused to rise.

A little while later, I could feel myself drifting off, my hands rubbing lazily up her arms. I fell asleep pondering one question. Who is this girl? And what was she doing in these mountains, alone and near death?

I woke some time later, disoriented, unsure of what woke me up. My silent question was answered as I looked down at the girl, no longer asleep, but instead looking me dead in the eye.

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