The Best Mistakes

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Book: The Best Mistakes

Author: @saylradeth


You did a really good job upon writing your blurb. I really liked it because for me it reflected two kinds of story we often see on Wattpad into one That is an arranged marriage and hooking up with an enemy. However I feel like the cover don't do justice to your story. Why not look for a hot, nice one that looks less like a cartoon and more like adult romance? I think the only thing you should changed on your cover is the image the text however is perfect.

Looking at the story content, the story plot is good, the flow might be slow in my opinion but it fits your story, but as for your conjunctions, it is not yet it. You use too much of As and And. When you try to describe things, you want to use high grammar till the point where you cause your story to loose it sense. Also, you need to revise the way you punctuated things. Remember that a period where a comar needs to be can totally change the sense of the sentence.

Nevertheless, you said Kayla and Nolan hate each other, but I feel like you didn't show it off enough. Yes the second chapter you showed her slapping him in revenge of the lizard he placed the bouquet of flowers, but when you describe their emotions tell us more things that causes one to hate the other. The way he talks, smile? If you want to portray a love hate relationship let the hate be bigger. It shouldn't be too rushed.

I think I have said the necessary. There is nothing else to add and though your story is a one month old baby, it looks good. I will like you to join my read for read community to grow more.

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