The Healing Bond

25 11 1

Book: The Healing Bond

Author: miiruex_


The title and book description greatly links together. As we read, we can already find a little connection which is good. The prologue felt more like an espention of the the blurb and there isn't anything to add about that. However I will like you to search for a more captivating cover which reflect your story idea with either a couple or more illustrative with a medical students and basketball player. There are a hell lot of amazing graphers on Wattpad don't hesitate to search.

I really appreciated the first chapter. It dived into the life of a girl who is determined and ambitious and who is ready to face all challenges to attain her dream. Long are the days where we read about timid and shy girls with no ambitious now we want a woman who stands for her beliefs. Again your grammar and vocabulary had nothing to add. In the next three chapters you showed a reflection of our two portagonist lives and the flow of the story was quite pleasant though I prefer if their meeting would happen a little bit earlier. However I found that greatly used italic when writing conversations. I guess it's to distinguish between the plot, but it's not necessary. Instead it makes the chapter a little confusing because most of the time us readers know that italic mostly simplify flashbacks. If you aren't into changing, then better specify it at the very first chapter. Apart from that nothing to add.

Hope it was useful and sorry for the delay. Hope to see you soon stay blessed.

 Hope to see you soon stay blessed

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