Chapter 42: Time of Dying

Start from the beginning

Ash clenched his fist. He saw no way to avoid this. The trainer took a chance, "Totodile, nosedive toward Masquerain with Aerial Ace!"

"What?!" Misty and May's eyes widened at the hasty counter.

Drew's jaw dropped. "You're sending your Totodile to its defeat, you fool!" the coordinator claimed. Drew stretched his arm forward, "Masquerain, take it out with Energy Ball!"

Ash ignored Drew and kept his eyes on Totodile. "Hang in there, Totodile!" he encouraged it. Totodile dived down like a missile with its claws prepared to eliminate Masquerain. It entered the cloud of Stun Spore and winced in pain as it became paralyzed, but Totodile persisted.

Masquerain aimed Energy Ball at Totodile, but Totodile's accelerated drop allowed it to reach the Bug-type before it could launch it. "Toto!" Totodile frowned at Masquerain as it delivered the Aerial Ace against Masquerain and its Energy Ball. An explosion ensued upon impact.

Totodile and Masquerain's trainers looked with angst as their Pokemon fell to the ground from the explosion. When they landed, both Pokemon had swirled eyes. Misty was disappointed that the jolly Water Pokemon could not withstand Masquerain's Energy Ball, but it fought incredibly. May was equally impressed by Totodile's resolve. Once again, Ash and his Pokemon tested their opponents with unorthodox strategies.

"Totodile, return," Ash smiled as he recalled his Water-type. He looked warmly at his friend's ball, "You did amazing out there. Good job."

"You too, Masquerain, you've earned some rest," Drew thanked his Bug-type.

Neither trainer said a word to the other. They did not want to ruin the flow of their intense and fast-paced battle. Even though neither admitted it, they were enjoying themselves. It was everything they had imagined in a challenge between the two.

Ash looked at Drew with a confident smile. "Go, Staraptor!" he called his next Pokemon.

"Butterfree, you're up!" Drew returned a confident grin at Ash as he threw his Pokeball.

Staraptor and Butterfree appeared on the battlefield with their wings spread. Both Pokemon could command the skies with their power. Evidently, the boys were going to take this battle into the air.

Drew screamed, "Butterfree!"

Ash yelled, "Staraptor!"

"Use Gust!" the two rivals called out simultaneously.

Staraptor and Butterfree began flapping their wings, and both tried to prove who had the stronger Gust, but they were on par. The two were only able to push each other away slightly.

Ash would need a different tactic. "Staraptor, use Double Team and then Agility!"

Drew and Butterfree suddenly got agitated when multiple Staraptors moved around Butterfree like jets, but they weren't sure how to react. Then Ash ordered a "Wing Attack!"

All the Staraptor's wings then began glowing as they targeted Butterfree. That moment, Drew figured out his move, "Butterfree quick Protect!"

Butterfree guarded itself from the striking Staraptor, who failed to leave a mark on the Butterfly Pokémon. It was like multiple bullets clashing with a riot shield, as even the powerful combination of Double Team, Agility, and Wing Attack couldn't do anything against Protect.

From the girls' point of view, it looked like many sparks flying across the sky; it appeared intense. Ash knew he was wasting Staraptor's stamina this way and mixed it up. The black-haired teen yelled, "Stop!" As if Staraptor understood what Ash meant with one word, Staraptor disappeared without a trace. Drew and Butterfree looked around frantically in the sky, but nothing appeared until Ash screamed, "Now, Brave Bird!"

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