"I'm sorry, Onny." Daphne sympathized, picking at the bread and butter they had brought us in a small basket.

Luce yawned and sat up more. "Hey, why are we comparing bad relationships to my relationship?"

I laughed quietly, immediately stopping when I caught Daphne's death stare.

"Because you and Draco are a perfect example of unhealthy," Pansy told her gently before looking back at Onyx. "Why don't you try and tell him that?"

"What if he says it's not that big of a deal? I mean, we aren't anything serious." She mumbled, tapping her nails to the side of the glass.

I put my hand on Lucille's shoulder to keep her up and continued to talk to Onyx and Pansy while Daph paid attention only to the food. "If he says that, then tell him to go fuck himself. You're upset about something and you two have been friends for years now so besides the basic human respect, he also has those years of friendship as a reason to not be a dick, and he should listen to you because you're upset."

She took a sip of the drink and wiped her lipstick off the straw. "But it's Blaise."

"Exactly." I laughed, patting Lucille's shoulder again to keep her awake. "It's Blaise. He's the nicest of them all. And probably the only one who hasn't cheated on one of his girlfriends or broken up with them in a nasty way."

"And Enzo has?" Lucille raised an eyebrow. "When has he ever been shitty to women? It's Enzo."

"Are you oblivious to life?" Pansy stared at her. "Like, no offence but what the fuck?"

Daphne cleared her throat and stopped eating, just staring for a moment before swallowing and shaking her head. "Trust me, he's gotten nicer since fourth year. Fourth year was his downfall."

"Why are they so difficult? Boys are annoying." I sighed, shaking my head and leaning back.

"You lost 30 galleons on the deal anyway. You better get to quick work. Now, I'm going find Lucille."

"Draco, I swear to god you said you needed to talk. Don't you dare leave to fuck your stupid girlfriend when I took time out of my night to make sure you're okay."

Speak of the devil(s).

Enzo followed into the bar side of the restaurant after Draco, complaining loud enough for us to hear. "They aren't even here."

Onyx sunk down in her seat in unison with Daphne and Pansy to which Lucille and I snickered.

Draco looked over and caught sight of Lucille, quickly walking over.

"You're a disappointment, Draco," Enzo muttered, coming to stand next to Draco in front of the table and sending me a quick wave.

"Oh shut up, Lorenzo." Draco snapped, muttering something to Lucille who stood up with a small smile and waved bye to us.

The two of them left quickly, ignoring the face Lorenzo made at them as they passed.

Onyx took a deep breath and shook her head. "Alright. I best get going."

"Oh yeah I forgot to mention it but Blaise is puking his fucking guts out in a bush outside," Enzo spoke casually, running a hand through his hair.

She gave him a bewildered look. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She stood up. "Is he okay?"

"Well taking in the fact that he's throwing up, I'd say no. He probably just ate some bad food. Not that big of a deal. Looked nasty though-"

"Stop." Daphne scrunched her nose. "Don't do that. I'm trying to eat you idiot."

Onyx grabbed her bag and rushed out of the restaurant leaving Daphne, Pansy, Lorenzo, and I to look around awkwardly.

"So, what were you nice ladies talking about?" He swayed back and forth on his feet, his arms crossed over his chest.

He had clearly changed since classes. Now he was in a pair of jeans, still in his school shoes but he had a sweater on over his school shirt and he had lost the tie. He looked relaxed.

"How much we hate you," Pansy answered blandly, sipping on a mocktail that she probably snuck her own alcohol into. So really a cocktail. "Why don't you sit?"

"Aww, I love you guys too." He replied dullly, putting his hands in his pockets. "I'd love to but I was hoping to steal Val away for a bit."

I looked up. "Why?"

"So we could hang out." He sucked in a breath. "I don't know. I thought it'd be nice to talk or something."

Pansy raised an eyebrow and patted his arm. "Uh-huh. Sure you just want to "talk" there, buddy?"

"I don't want to sleep with her." He rolled his eyes, quickly stopping and looking at me while I stared at him with raised eyebrows. "No no, I mean- like, I'm not trying to have sex with you tonight. Or at all if you're not- okay that's not what I mean. Um-"

"Enzo," I interrupted him. "She was joking. Chill out. I'm not trying to-" I gestured to him. "you know."

Pansy and Daphne sighed happily, Daphne messing with one of his hands to try and make him flip himself off.

"I love messing with guys. They're so cute. I hate it." Pansy smiled.

Lorenzo pulled his hand away from Daphne. "Alright, do you want to go for a walk or not?" He looked back at me.

"Sure." I handed Daphne my wallet and stood up, having agreed, more demanded, to pay for dinner to make up for my lack of presence at nearly every girl's night last year.

"Use protection," Pansy smirked into her drink.

Lorenzo turned around. "Pansy I swear to god you are the only girl I'll fight back-"

I grabbed his sleeve and tugged him away. "Let's go."


meant to post this last week and completely forgot about it.... sorry about that and happy easter

wc: 1591

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