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When her brothers had let go of her and came in Jacob patted the top of her head as he smiled at her. "How have things been with the duo?"

"Well enough as it could be."

"As long as they haven't done anything to make you cry that's all that matters to me."

Sina shook her head no "Nope no tears bro."

"Good to hear." Jacob said as he came into the apartment

Her parents smiled at her as they got closer to the apartment. "Seems like your grandparents inherent did you well." Her mother said with a smile

She nodded her head. "Mhm, please do come in mom, Dad."

They did as her father had bags in his hands. "Where's your kitchen so I can place this stuff down?"

"Let me so you papa." Sina said before she showed her father where the kitchen was. 

Once he placed things on the island he looked around the kitchen. "Well this place is spacious and so much counter space too."

Sina nodded her head. "Mhm indeed, its needed for what I want to do when I get out of college."

"That is true. So show us around sweetie. We're curious about why you chose a place so far from the house." Her father stated

Sina smiled. "Sure thing, so let's start with what you all passed by. I have a small closet that I'm having all of my shoes and coats be." She said as she walked towards the small hallway

"Did you want us to take our shoes off sweetie?" Her mother asked

Sina rubbed her arm nervously. "If you don't mind? The carpet in the living room is new and I don't want dirt on it from shoes."

"Of course honey, we get it we had you kids do the same when we went to your grandparents place." Her father said with a smile

All of them placed their shoes in the closet and she gave them all a pair of slippers to wear instead for around the house. She then took them into the living room where Senri and Rima were on one of the sectionals. 

"Mom, dad-these two are my two friends and room mates. Rima and Senri Shiki. They are married and Rima is currently four months pregnant with their first child." Sina said with a smile "Senri, Rima I would like you two to formally meet my parents-Steven and Silvia Hanabe." 

Her parents looked at her stunned with what she had told them. "You're friends with a married couple who is expecting?" Her mother asked shocked

"I am, they originally were hotel hopping but I didn't like knowing that Rima was pregnant with Senri's child and they hadn't had a secure place to be with their child." Sina said with a nod of her head

"Oh...I see." Her mother said stunned

"These two are with that group of vampires that checked into the hotel for a year mom." Michael stated leaning against the wall with his arms crossed

"Wait what?!" Her mother said shocked before she looked at Sina "Did you know that they were vampires?"

"I'm more than aware of the fact that they are vampires, but that shouldn't be a problem since we're vampires too...aren't we mother?" Sina asked curiously

Her mother was quiet as she let out a sigh before her father spoke up. "We'll talk about that later sweet heart, why don't you continue to show us around?"

"With pleasure father."

She took them down the hall and showed them were the bathroom was as well as the two bed rooms. Jacob realized that she had the smaller room of the two rooms. "You gave yourself the smaller room why?"

"I'm used to having small spaces so it gives me the familiar feeling of being home. Not to mention they're going to need more space than I do with them having a child soon." Sina said with a shrug

Jacob couldn't deny what she said was true so he dropped it. Once Sina finished with the tour of the house her father had Jacob, Michael and Mitchel help him with making dinner as her mother talked with the couple and Sina. 

It was silent for a moment until Sina spoke up. "You seem rather in defense about me taking in a couple why?"

"We don't want you to get any ideas of breaking them apart. It'd look bad on you sweetie."

Sina looked taken back as she placed a hand on her chest. "Mother you've raised me better, I'm not a home wrecker! I took them in because I know damn well that Senri doesn't think about the well being of Rima! Rima is almost to the point where she'll need constant assistance with things and he isn't even the slightest bit worried about what'll happen to her and she is ignorant to what'll happen to her as well. I took them in because I didn't want them to struggle taking care of a child on their own! Wasn't it you and father who drilled into the three boys and I's that if we ever see people in need of help to help them?!"

Her mother was quiet as she realized that her wording had pissed off her daughter. "Sina that isn't what I meant." Her mother said weakly

"Then what did you mean?! Cause I'm half tempted of kicking you out of my home!" Sina said angered

"A poly sweetie...I don't want you to be part of a poly...you are too innocent to do something so scandalous like that." Silvia said shaking her head

Senri let out a scoff "If you really think your daughter is 'too innocent' you truly don't know your daughter."

Rima nodded her head in agreement. "she is far from being 'innocent'. Not to mention we've already mentioned that we'd like for her to be part of our relationship and she turned us down. She told us that she refused to do anything that would look like she was trying to pry us from one another."

"Good, as she should! And what do you mean my daughter isn't innocent? I've never been told anything about her getting her first kiss or anything like that."

"Like I'd tell you anything with how you've always accused me of shit that you've obviously done in the past mother." Sina said coldly

Her mother stiffened hearing the cold tone from her daughter. "Y-You've been holding back on me haven't you?"

"Like I should tell you shit?! You obviously think low of me as it is." Sina said with her arms crossed

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now