ms. Christian the Christian. pt1

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              Ms Christian the Christian.
                     By Brooke.Lye
     It was a sunday morning In my town, the sun was out and the sky was blue, it seemed nothing could go wrong, right? “Ahhhhh, Mom help!” My mom came running into my room as fast as she could! “HUNNY WHAT'S
WRONG?! “As my mom looked around trying to see what was wrong she seemed disappointed. “It’s a spider!” My  mom laughed but I didn't think it was funny at all.  “What's so funny?!’ I demanded out of her. “Hunny, that's not a spider, it's  daddy long leg.  “I know that, It doesn’t matter, it's still gross. kill it!” “I'm not killing a daddy long leg, they won't hurt you, just ignore it, and get ready for church. We leave at 8:30 that’s an hour from now and then after that we will go get your birthday present.” my mom leaves the room laughing. I really don't think what was so funny, those spiders, well “Daddy long legs” are gross and disgusting. Well I guess I should get ready for church, I grab a fluffy black skirt that ends at my knees and some basic shorts to go under them, gotta stay modest. Then I grab a grass green crop top with a cross on it, and of course a white tank top to go under the shirt, plus some green socks to match my shirt. I throw them on and look in the mirror. Somthtings missing ummm, oh I know, I grab a gold cross necklace and throw it on.  I go to my bathroom and brush my teeth as fast as I can and put deodorant on, I look at the time and my heart skips a beat, “HOW THE SHEET IS IT ALREADY EIGHT TWENTY FIVE!!” I said looking scared, “CHRISTIAN, ROSE, CARLSON DON'T CUSS!” my mom yelled. “I DIDNT I SAID SHEET NOT SHIT!” “CHRISTIAN GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE AND GIVE ME YOUR PHONE YOU GROUNDED!”She did not just say that right? It's my birthday for goodness sake.I Heads downstairs then i say , “But it's my birthday mom please don't take my phone away please,’’ “ Fine, you're lucky it's your birthday.’’ “I put my black converse on and head to the car. “SHOTGUN!” I yell running towards the car hoping  in the front seat before anyone can . “No fair, I'm the oldest!” my brother says sitting in the back.”  

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⏰ Huling update: Mar 30 ⏰

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