Episode 7: The Maths of Fraction: Fractoverse

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(Intel, Knowles, Samantha and Thomas were studying fractions on Wikipedia)

Intel: Look here, Read, Sam.

Samantha: Fractions are a part of whole like half, a quarter or a eighth.

Knowles: Fractions have different types like a decimal fraction. A decimal fraction is a proper fraction with the denominator that has the power of ten. 

Thomas: And also a complex fraction. A complex fraction is a fraction with fractions in the numerator or denominator.

(Intel looks at a page that teaches fractions powered by Wikipedia)

Intel: (reads the page advert) Hey, you wanna see what a numerator and a denominator is or you just wanna learn any fractions you don't know how to calculate on? Go on our new website https://www.wikipedia.com/LearnFractions. 

(Intel clicks the website)

Intel: Oh, my goodness. Guys, come and see this. 

Thomas: What?, Intel bud.

Intel: Sam, read it. 

Samantha: (she reads the page) Welcome to Wikipedia's Learn Fractions website, where you learn fractions with some actions. Well it might be a rhyme but i guess you won't need a squeeze of lime. 

Samantha: Seriously? They put rhymes on Wikipedia now.

Intel: Well, i don't know. Wikipedia is my favorite encyclopedic knowledgeable app and also website.

Samantha: Okay.

Intel: Lemme check something on this website.

(Intel looks at an article that there is an fractional universe)

Intel: Wow, guys. There is an unknown parallel universe.

Thomas: What?, there's an parallel universe in real life. I didn't know. Or am i just sensing something fictional on this article somehow?

Intel: No, Tom. It's true. See they wrote it at the bottom of the article. See. It's true. They wrote it.

Thomas: Oh. Still i don't believe there are other parallel worlds.

Intel: Okay, can i read now?

Knowles/Samantha/Thomas: Yes, Intel.

Intel: (reads the article on the page) Wikipedia's New Breakthrough, A New Parallel World, Fraction Universe, Since half a three hundred and sixty million years ago, people didn't know that there was a mathematical universe called Fractoverse. But Wikipedia researchers discovered that there is a new parallel universe called Fractoverse or in a scientific name is called Universus Portionus Fractus which means a mathematical fractional dividing universes. Which have mathematical species that can divide that powers also. The first species was called Species Halfus Divideranos which means half-divider. And the second was...

(Intel pants)

Intel: I am tired of reading. Knowles continue.

Knowles: The second species was Quarterus Twentyfivus Divideranos which means quarter-divider. The third species, anyway, actually there are heptillions of species on that parallel universe. Which people don't believe now. They might say it might be science fiction but it's really real for real. It's true.

(Knowles ends the article)

Knowles: I guess that's the end of the article, friends.

Samantha: Is it fact or fiction? That there's a mathematical parallel universe. Science is not wrong. Every scientist knows.

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