Episode 6: Inside The Weather: The Clouds

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(Intel was looking at the weather GPS at his monitor at his room)

Intel: Ah, when will this stormy weather come? I want to explore inside the clouds. Maybe they will be lightning attacking us.

(Thunder rumbles)

Intel: I hear, hear the thunder which means today, there will be stormy weather. (The GPS beeps) A signal that the stormy rain will come. And am gonna tell Mother about this. 

(The crew already reached Intel's room)

Knowles: What's the call for? Intel.

Intel: We are gonna go "inside the weather" like we are gonna go inside thunderstorms.

Thomas/Samantha: What?

Knowles: Yeah, Intel. What.

Intel: Don't worry, The probe is made of aluminium and metal.

Knowles: But, Friend Intel. You know how Mom hates thunderstorms and me flashed in lightning. She would be worried.

Samantha: Lightning is made of static electricity. Really.

Intel: Yes, Sam. I know that lightning is made of atmospheric electricity in the clouds of attracting positive electrons on the ground.

Narrator: Oh, man. I was about to say that!

Intel: Who said that?

Samantha: The narrator in your story, Intel.

Intel: Which story? All the stories i know is Oliver Twist, a boy who's mother died when he was born written by Charles J.H. Dickens. Also Cha...

Samantha: No, Intel. I mean your story.

Intel: Oh, you mean. (He removes the book out of his monitor's cupboard) The Adventures of Intel Tesla created by me, Intel.

Samantha: Okay, well, it's fine. But i don't think we should explore "inside the clouds" like that. We need to wear Mrs. Tesla's smart invention. Lightning-proof jerseys.

Knowles: Ahm, Intel. I think Sam's right. We should wear your mother's invention, The weather-proof jerseys.

Intel: Okay, weathery-smeathery. Let's wear them.

Knowles: I guess Mom will be proud when we wear these thunder-proof clothes.

(Thunder rumbles and it rains)

(Rain and thunder rumbles)

(At Knowles' house)

Kea: Thunderstorm! Where is Knowleston?! There's a rain happening here. Ah!

(Lightning flashes)

(Kea screams inside the house)

(Kea's phone rings)

Kea: Who is it? Oh, It's Prinn.

Knowles' dad, Prinn: Oh, hello, Kearica. Are you scared of the thunderstorms? Again.

Kea: (yells in phone) Yes!!

(Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes outside)

Prinn: Where is Boy Knowles?

Kea: I don't know. Maybe he's at his... (lightning flashes) friend's HOUSE!!!

Prinn: Yeah, Okay, Kea honey. But am busy working here. Remember, Kearica. Breathe in and out when you're freaking out on thunderstorms. Also i saw the weather data on the Caliscientown Weather Service that the thunderstorms will be 95% thunder, 78% lightning and 100% totally of rain chance. Oh, Kea you know i work at the Caliscientown WS. I am a meteorologist. I am about to hang up the call i'm focusing on the upcoming data of the weather. Remember, Kearica honey. Breathe in and out.

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