Episode 3: New Friends From School

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(Intel and Knowles were at school learning the water cycle)

Mr. Cyan: What is the water cycle? Kids, raise a hand if you know.

(Intel raises a hand)

Mr. Cyan: Yes, Intel.

Intel: The water cycle is the natural cycle of evaporation of water from the oceans et cetera, and subsequent condensation and precipitation as rain and snow.

Mr. Cyan: Good, Intel. Okay, kids. The water is made of two elements, hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen has positive molecules and oxygen has negative molecules.

Intel: Wow.

Knowles: Phenomenal fact.

Mr. Cyan: Okay, kids. Class session over. Go home.

(All kids head outside the class)

Intel: Wow, Knowles. We need to meet new two friends you know to explore with them.

Knowles: Who? Intel.

Intel: You will see. Friend.

(Intel and Knowles head outside of the class)

Intel: Knowles, we learnt the water cycle's features. Now tomorrow, we learn how the rain gauge can measure rainfall.

Knowles: Yeah, Intel. Your excitement is making my sadness continue do its things.

Intel: What's wrong? Knowles.

Knowles: You'll know, what's wrong alright. Today, i was studying thunderstorms in the morning. Then mom was freaking out.

(Knowles flashbacks and narrates the story)

Knowles's mom, Kea: Ahhhhrghhhhh! Knowles. Son. What are you looking at?!

Knowles: Oh, hi, Mom. I was studying about thunderstorms.

Kea: Thunderstorm. Are you insane? Knowles. 

Knowles: Why are you saying am insane? Mom.

Kea: Am insane because thunderstorms are my natural disasteral enemy. One day, when i was at your age, the thunderstorm started.

(Kea narrates her story)

Kea: I was heading home trying to study geography. 

(Thunder rumbles)

Kea: Ahhh! Thunder! I hate cumulonimbus clouds' thunders!

(Lightning flashes at Kea)

Kea: Oh God! The thunderstorms' electricity Lightning! Ahh!

(Kea runs off home)

Kea: That's why i hated thunderstorms! Knowles. Knowles, don't study thunderstorms anymore, study anything you know.

Knowles: But, Mom. Thunderstorm is the research i am doing this week. But next week. I can't complete the research without learning what thunderstorms do.

Kea: I don't care.

(Back to Intel and Knowles)

Knowles: Mom doesn't want me to study thunderstorms because she is scared of them since she was fourteen years old.

Intel: That's sad. Sorry, Friend.

Knowles: Neh, It's no worries, Intel.

(Intel and Knowles saw a boy being bullied)

Bully Gavorn: Hey, Tommy-Tommy! What do you need? A book. What do you need with a book? Like reading, punky nerd.

Bully Richard: He is a nerdy nerdy nerd person. Let's call me Mr. Nerdiread-a-lot.

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