Episode 1: It Stats Now!: The Power of Probability

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(Intel reading a Wikipedia page on his computer)

Intel: Welcome to Wikipedia, where you learn every encyclopedian articles on the Internet in 7 million different languages.

Intel: Let me translate it into French.

Intel: Bienvenue te Wikipedia, wheré ye lenren everiche cerclepaedian articulus one de seofon mille differens languagee.

Intel: Okay, let's see today's article.

Intel: Statistiquee, what, oh man i forgot i translated the page into French. Let me translate it back into English.

Intel: Oh yeah, that's better, okay, let's read. Statistics, the mathematics of data and the use of probability theory and the power of probability.

Intel: Ooh, the power of probability.

Intel: Okay, let me continue, The word Statistik was introduced by Gottfried Achenwall in 1834. Cool knowledge.

(Intel's friend, Knowles comes in)

Knowles: Hey, Intel.

Intel: Hi, Knowles.

Knowles: What are you learning?

Intel: Learning about the power of probability.

Knowles: The power of what?

Narrator: Just like Intel said, the power of probability is like, well, probability. So what is probability? Probability is the measure of how likely it is that some event occurs, a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible. Let's just say a game of heads and tails. If you get a head in a coin then your friend is a tail.

Knowles: The power of what?

Intel: Probability. Knowles.

Intel: See here, Knowles. The power of probability is the measure of how likely it is that some event occurs, a number expressing the ratio of favouring cases to the whole number of cases possible.

Knowles: Oh, yeah, the power of probability or the theory of probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with probability.

Intel: Let's go on an adventure.

Knowles: Where? 

Intel: To the...

Intel's mom, Scyna: Planet Mars.

Intel: In planet Mars, but Mom why?

Scyna: To explore probe-ability.

Intel: Mom, seriously another pun.

Scyna: Intel, I love puns.

Intel: Yeah, Mom. But how do you know we where about to explore probability?

(Scyna closes the door and comes to Intel)

Scyna: Intel, Knowles. Sit down.

(Intel, Scyna and Knowles sit down)

Scyna: See, Intel. When i was at your age, I liked to explore 

(Scyna flashbacks)

Scyna narrates the story

Scyna: It started when i was 13 your age, Intel. I lived in well, here, old-timey here or old-timey Caliscientown, in well, Texas. I was at home, it was called the Tesla mansion. Well, my father Musiko Tesla or your grandfather liked to play music in the 90s and also named after the word "music".

Intel: I didn't know Grandpa liked to play music and he was after one.

Scyna continues narrates the story

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