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Contrary to previous days the atmosphere in Hastinapur was chilly. Their was tension be it from citizens ,royals and palace workers. The workers run around doing their chores attentively avoiding to make make any in fear of coming across the anger of any the princes.

All palace was awake ,except for Shakuni who was still asleep. Even in sleep his face was occupied with a bright and peaceful smile exposing all his small teeth.As if he was having a fulfilling dream .

Outside the two sets of brothers operated away from each other view. Since they couldn't prevent uttering offensive comments when they come across each other.

Royal females watch the interaction from a far in tension ,though they didn't want to indulge themselves in royal politics their faces expressed how nervous they were for today's outcome from arranged Sabha. But they fought inwardly in silence giving each other support.

Bhisma was hurt seeing the conflict between his grandchildren, the tiny hope of them ever reuniting or conversing peaceful vanish seeing they couldn't even stand each other presence.

With a heavy heart Bhisma headed towards Ganga in search of  a little peace for his inside ached realizing he failed in holding his family together. The kingdom of his father Shantanu which he ruled with humility was about to be divided something which he never thought yet he stood silent being helpless.

He was sure his father in after life was staring at him in disappointment.Not wanting to disturb his mother by summoning him , he stood in silence worry lines on his face making him seem more aged.He was worried for Hastinapur future and for the failures he incurred not only as a Royal but also to his citizens who looked upon him .

Devi Ganga who knew of her son's presence ,her heart ache seeing how troublesome he appeared. On realizing he won't summon her, she herself decided to join him for however disappointed she is with him ,he is still her son.

She emerged from the water her ethereal presence radiating motherhood

She emerged from the water her ethereal presence radiating motherhood

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Her soothing voice reached Devrat ears announcing the presence of his mother.


He turned around bowing respectful to the one who bore him. His heavy heart lighted which only happens in the presence of his mother or her shore.

Ganga joined him offering a reassuring smile understanding her son's inner turmoil. But even she being a goddess can only sooth him with her words or advice him accordingly leaving him to choose the path to follow.

She sigh knowing none can escape the hands of fate be it a mortal or an immortal.

"I understand your worry putra, but it's too late to regret now. Though it pains me to say this for Hastinapur was my late husband's kingdom but division is the only remaining option

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