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Jack didn't remember falling asleep, but he awoke with his head resting on the edge of the bed.  He didn't recall taking Belle's hand at some point in the night, but he awoke with their fingers entwined, her thumb stroking the back of his hand.

Her thumb stroking the back of his hand

Jack sat bolt upright in his seat, instantly awake.

"Good morning." Belle said faintly, the most beautiful whisper of a smile pulling at her cheeks.

Jack was instantly grinning like an idiot.  "Good morning." was all he could manage.

Jack forgot himself for a moment, unable to even comprehend doing anything other than look into Belle's eyes.  He probably could've spent the rest of the week not moving from this spot doing exactly that when a cool

"Good morning"

came from across the bed.  Lady Fox seemed intently focused on the papers arrayed in front of her on a portable desk someone must've brought up to the room, but Jack was aware he was being watched like a hawk.

Jack cleared his throat, that peculiar sensation of the blood in his veins turning to ice  had begun to creep into his stomach.

"Good morning Lady Fox" he began carefully.

Lady Fox raised her eyebrows and offered a slight nod in response.  Jack was unsure of what he was supposed to do next.  He glanced back over at Belle, who was poorly suppressing and amused smirk.  Jack was glad to see that color had returned to her lips, but her face was still quite pale.  He rose quickly and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, and then cheek.

"No fever." he breathed, relived.  He moved then towards the buttons of Belle's nightgown, but stopped himself quickly, turning to Lady Fox. 

"Ma'am, is it alright with you in I check Belle's stitches or should I get a nurse?"

Lady Fox raised her eyes to him then, giving him a long, appraising look he couldn't quite read before responding.

"No that's alright."

and setting down her papers.  Jack turned back to Belle, who was wearing a look of quizzical bemusement.  Jack creased his brow in a confused manner, raising his shoulders and shaking his head slightly as he began in on the buttons.  Jack figured it was probably best to ask the Lady permission to undress her daughter now, since she had caught him doing it without her permission before, and that had resulted in Belle being placed under armed guard. 

He delicately undid the little buttons of her nightgown.  Trying desperately to keep his breath and heart rate in check, he needed to be professional.  From the bottom of her sternum down to her mid-stomach was a neat patch of dressing, probably Hetty's work if he had to guess.  There were spots of blood here and there seeping through, so it was probably done last night and was due for a change anyway.  he peeled it gingerly back, careful not to pull on any stitches that had dried to the bandages.  There were the sutures.  He grabbed a sponge from a clean dish of water of the side table and began gently cleaning the excess blood away from the scabbing incision.  The line was slightly raised and red, but it didn't feel hot.  Jack wished he could've done the stitches neater, but he'd been a little pressed for time.  The scar was certainly going to be worse than it might've been, but that couldn't be helped now.  He carefully dried the stitches, sprayed the area with carbolic, and replaced clean bandages.

"It's healing nicely" He began "There'll be a scar, but it doesn't look infected."

Belle took his hand "Thank you Jack."

"Don't thank me yet." Jack took a stethoscope from the side table "let me have a listen."

He positioned the stethoscope gingerly against her ribs, trying carefully not to press against the tender sutures.  He cocked his head and listened intently.  Belle, without him having to ask, was breathing with him.  There were the lungs, in and out, and there- ba bum, ba bum, ba bum- her heart beating steadily (if slightly quickly) against her ribs.  No whooshing, no stuttering rhythm.  Jack felt his throat seize up, and it was suddenly very hard to force out words.  He blinked rapidly to try and clear his stinging eyes.  He turned simply to Belle and nodded.

"Really?" she asked, tears beginning to pool on her lashes.

"Really" he finally choked out.

The tears poured in earnest for both of them.  Jack had to restrain himself from scooping her up in his arms.  He settled instead for taking her hands in his and tenderly kissing her knuckles. 

Belle smiled brightly, her cheeks glistening with tears.  "There is no way I'm letting you get away without publishing this time."

Jack managed a choked chuckle, grinning and shaking his head at her.  A sniffle drew his attention.  Lady Fox was dabbing furiously at her eyes with a handkerchief.  She offered Jack a tight smile before returning back to her work.

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