Finally We Know Once Again

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Music - Vitamin String Quartet - Purple Rain (Prince) 

(A/N note: Please don't judge my poem writing skills. I have also made minor changes in the previous chapters so feel free to read back, but it's not necessary to. Thank you for reading!!! I'm so grateful for 82 reads! I didn't expect to even get over 30 <3)

Benedict's POV:

I returned home much earlier before the festivities really ended. 

All I could think about was the image of her before me. She was a curious woman.

Yet I still did not know her name. 

I could just call her Gardner for now 

Then I realized I had left my sketchbook on the bench as I was in such a hurry to bring mother and Eloise back inside. 

Instead of drawing, I decided writing would suit me tonight better.

I started writing a poem. 

A mystery she is

A wonder she could be

In crowds others could easily miss

But to me, she, I will always see

The next morning, I woke up, the candle I had lit the night before had burnt through and the quill and paper still in my hand. Barely anyone was roaming the streets below, it was still considerably early in the morning.

The sun was still rising and the birds had barely even begun to sing yet. Most mornings, I awoke at nine am, along with most of my family but today I had woken far earlier. 

It was a strange feeling to be awake at this hour. The sky was orange and it was chill rather than it being warm like the late mornings.

All was quiet and for once I could hear the breeze moving through trees. It was rather, ethereal.

None of my siblings were obnoxious nor too loud. All were still asleep.

I took advantage of this time and decided to paint in the drawing room before suitors were to call on Eloise. If any were to even call on her.

I had painted for around three hours until mother entered the drawing room. She was fully dressed for the day.

"Benedict, what are you doing here, were you not asleep?" she asked upon seeing the state I was in.

I was still in my nightwear and considerably messy from the paint.

"Mother, good morning, I woke up especially early today. I decided to use the time I had to paint and be a bit more productive than usual," I beamed.

"And what are you painting?" mother asked, approaching where my easel stood.

"The scene at last night's ball. It was beautiful with all the flowers decorating the walls," I replied.

In reality I was painting the moment I had realized the Gardener was someone special. 

"Well then, suitors may arrive soon for Eloise," grinned mother, "So it will be best if you move your tools to your room and maybe change for the day." She patted my back and left the room for breakfast.

That night another ball was being held by the Queen.

We arrived a bit after the Featheringtons and somehow Eloise managed to charm her Majesty. Of course Eloise panicked and left rather quickly to most likely find Penelope.

As we walked away I asked Anthony, "If the Queen, in fact, names Eloise the diamond, whom will you marry then brother?" I made faces at him as we walked.

"Hush you," he said in an annoyed tone.

Tonight, I was determined to find the Gardener and learn her name. As well as learn why she had been dressed like a man and at Granville's party.

Both places were not settings I would have expected such a lady at.

But somehow, the whole night, I could not find a way to approach her. Every time I was able to spot her again, she was dancing with someone. Without fail, every minute she was dancing.

When I finally found a chance to approach her, another gentleman would appear out of thin air, stopping me from asking her name.

"Would you like to dance?" I finally asked

"My apologies, unfortunately my dance card has been filled already, Lord Lumley is one of the very last I am to dance with," she replied with a courtesy.

I was forced to stand there awkwardly until it was time for my family to take our leave. 

The next day Anthony had left to call on Miss Edwina Sharma after she was named the diamond at the Queen's ball. Colin had just arrived from traveling and to a surprise, he had a bit of an unkept stubble.

"I believe we must get you to a doctor post-haste. This strange, fuzzy growth on your chin is some kind of disease," I joked.

Anthony then arrived soon after.

"Family, I should like you all to ready yourselves for the races today," he said, "We will be attending, united as one."

When we arrived at the races, Mother got us all socializing with others. Eloise of course went on her way to find Penelope, while Anthony went straight to the Sharmas to woe Miss Edwina and perhaps her sister. 

I had joined a group of acquaintances when I heard someone.

"Psst," the "Gardner" quietly called out, "Bush Baron"

She was staring straight at me.

I awkwardly looked towards her and gestured to myself, questioning if she was calling for me. She nodded as if I didn't know my own name.

I excused myself and made my way towards her. She was in a circle of other debutantes.

"Miss Daintlaton, did you just call Mr. Bridgerton Bush Baron?" a young lady asked 

"What? Oohhhh, Bridgerton, well," the Gardener stuttered, "I've known the Bridgertons since I were a little girl. I call him Bush Baron or Baron Bush because he is such a skilled gardener that he should be the lord of it."

The other young ladies ahhhh'd and ooooh'd

"Ah, yes, I am certainly skilled in that department of hobbies," I smiled and nodded.

(A/N: Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave)

"Well then, if you'll excuse us," the Gardener curtsied and pulled me away.

"When were you to tell me you were a Bridgerton!?" she asked a bit angrily 

"Well you haven't told me your own name yet," I retorted, "And it seems you came up with a name for me already, what in the world is 'Bush Baron'?"

"I based it off what I knew about you. Your sketchbook was engraved with the letters B.B. and we hid behind a bush so well," she made an odd gesture that had to do with "I don't know"

"Well, I will admit Bush Baron is a bit clever," I started, "Wait, did you look through my sketchbook?"

"Would you believe it if I told you no?" she sheepishly asked. 

My skin started burning and not from the heat but the sheer embarrassment, she must have seen the drawings I made of her.

Sensing my embarrassment she said, "If it makes you feel any better, I will tell you my name. I am Florence Daintlaton. Which I expected you would know but it seems we both have forgotten each other."

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