A week and a half later . . .

Emmalin has been moping her house feeling sorry for herself, regretting many things she's done.She still hasn't heard anything from Harry. She's really starting to miss the bond they had.

She walks past her mirror in her drawing room, and her eyes catch the mirror, and land on her body.
It's gotten really tiny. She looks sick, almost. She doesn't even recognize herself.

" I need help." She says aloud to herself.

She decides that she's done. She's done living alone, not being a part of anything.

She grabs her phone, and calls a number.

After a few rings someone answers.

" Hello, this is Queen Elizabeth's secretary, who is this?" " Hi yes, this is Emmalin, formerly known as Princess Emmalin of Wales, I uhm, I'm wondering if I can set a meeting up with my granny?" I ask, kind of nervous." You said this is ' Princess Emmalin' ? I'll just connect you to her majesty, one moment."

After a few minutes of waiting she hears a voice on the other side.

" This is Queen Elizabeth." " Hi granny, i-it's Emmalin."" Emmalin my dear, how have you been?" " I've been better, I heard about Harry's engagement." " Oh, you did? How do you feel about it?"" I'm not sure. Uhm, I am wondering if I could come have a meeting with you and grandpa?"" Sure, uhm, when do you want to have it?" " As soon as possible. Is there any way that you could have a private jet ready for me?" " I think that's possible, uhm, how does tonight sound? You'll just have to go to the airport in an outfit that hides your identity. Then, would you also like to come to Sandringham with us?" " Tonight sounds great. I would love to spend Christmas with y'all, uhm can I bring my dog?"" That's fine. I look forward to seeing you."" Me too, don't tell anyone that I'm coming, besides the guards, and grandpa." " Ok. See you soon honey." " See you soon."

End of phone call . . .

Later that day

Emmalin spent the rest of her day getting her dog and herself ready for the plane ride, while also asking her neighbor if they would watch her cats, they agreed.

The time is now 3:30 p.m. and Emmalin is looking around her house, with a suitcase and dog carrier beside her.She's not sure how long she'll be gone, so she's taking everything in.

She leaves her home, and locks it in the process, then drops her key off at her neighbors, then makes her way to the airport in her disguise. Which is a hat and sunglasses.

When she makes it to an airport she is escorted by a security guard to a private jet, and she sets off on her journey to London.

11 hours later . . .

After a long trip, Emmalin has finally made it to Buckingham Palace.She is immediately escorted from the jet, to inside the palace, and to her grandparents office.

She is left alone, standing in front of the giant door.

Building up the courage, she knocks on the door, then hears a ' come in'

As she enters, she brings her dog, but leaves her luggage outside the room.

" Emmalin my dear! How was your trip?" The queen asked while getting up from her desk, and making her way over to her grand-daughter.

" I-it was ok, just long." She said with a half smile.

" Emmalin, how are you?" Phillip asked, making his way over to her as well, and hugging her.

The Sister Princess  ~ Princess Diana's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now