Chapter Ten - Pyaar Ke Daage

Start from the beginning

Breaking the eye contact he moved away from the dressing table and headed towards the door, not saying another word to his wife, but just before he left he heard a silent sob and something in his heart tightened, however he kept his head down and walked away, it was none of his business.

On the other hand Pakhi silently cried, tears pouring out her eyes like a never ending waterfall, she sat on the bed letting the hurt and despair out after a long time of trying to reel it in. She felt lost, her heart was hurting and she felt like she couldn't breathe. Ever since she heard the conversation between Ashwini Mami and Virat about Sai, and then Virat calling her Bhabie, she has been wondering what she was doing with her life, here she was sitting crying the loss of a love that never even set off, while the man she was breaking her heart over was busy losing his heart to someone else and discarding her like yesterdays trash, and then her husband who she married at Virat's insistence hated her mere sight, and didn't leave any chance to humiliate her. She was tired of feeling like this, bitter and hateful, she was never like this, her parents did not bring her up to be spiteful and jealous, but that is what she was, she was bitter, spiteful and jealous and it was all because she couldn't let go off her obsession of Virat.


"So where to first my queen", Virat asked as he was driving towards the shopping district of Nagpur, he let his left hand drop from the steering wheel and grabbed her hand, placing it on the gear stick while his covered hers, it was an unconscious decision that his body just took, but looking at their intertwined hands it only felt right.

"Let's just go to the mall first and then I'll see from there" Sai answered, while looking at their hands as well with a smile on her face, but then her eyes fell on his wrist watch and she remembered something "Oh, can you quickly park up somewhere"

Virat was befuddled but did as she asked, he let go of her hand and looked for a safe place to park, before pulling up. "You okay?" His voice was laced with concern, but Sai only smiled and nodded her head, digging through her small bag  for something.

"Aha, found it!' She cheered in Victory as she pulled out a thread from her bag, it was similar to the one that she had tied on her fathers wrist. "I got you something" She said, turning to look at him with a bright smile on her face.

Virat only stared at the item in her hand, feeling various emotions run through him; confusion, happiness and immense love. She got him a daaga, meaning she had prayed for his long life, meaning he held at the least the same amount of importance in her life that her Aaba did, that very information would have brought him to his knees if he wasn't already sitting down.

"Is that for me?' He asked stupidly.

Sai, ever the sarcastic princess rolled her eyes. "Nahin, you know that man standing across the street, it's for him." She said pointing out the window beside him. "Of course it's for you, now pass me your hand"

He smiled and forwarded his hand to her and watched lovingly as she tied the thread around his wrist like she did for her Aaba and he promised himself that he will never take it off, this was the best gift anyone ever brought him and he would cherish it.

"There" She sat back and appreciated it on his wrist. "Don't ever take off, it's to ensure you have a long life"

"I will never take it off, I will guard it with my life"

Sai laughed, "arre baba, don't do that otherwise the purpose of this daaga will become void, it's meant to protect you, not the other way round"

Virat smiled, "I didn't realise I was that important to you, that you would pray for my long life"

Sai blushed but didn't move her gaze away from him, she looked deeply into his eyes, "you are not just important to me, you mean the world to me"

"And you are my world, Sai", he said softly, holding her hand and pulling her closer to him, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.

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