little boost of creativity

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So I was scrolling and I got this random little boost of creativity where Tommy and Y/N are still together but a twist will come, and she dies. But this is the interesting part, she became a vampire (Please don't come after me.) and came back to Hogwarts and was like "I'm not dead." On to the story. 


When I met Tom I knew it would end in a terrible accident. I never thought it would be my death. It all started when Snape told Tom to help a new girl, Violet. 

"Tommy, tommy, tommy." I bugged him while he went over my potions answers. 

"What Y/N?" He asked finally looking up. 

"Do you wanna to Hogsmeade with me next week?" I asked. 

"I thought we already agreed to go." He handed my paper back. "Besides I have time for you." 

"Oh wow, that's crazy." I said dramatically. 

"Oh shut up, now I've gotta go. Snape needed to talk to me." He got up and kissed my forehead. 

"Alright, are we gonna hangout tonight?" 

"Yeah, I'll knock on your dorm when I'm done." 

"Okay bye bye." 

I walked through the halls, I debated going to find Tommy, but he was helping the new girl with her potions work. I walked through the halls and saw the library, it wouldn't be bad if I just popped in. Right? 

"And then you add the lionfish spines." The unemotional voice of Tom came from the back of the library. 

"Oh, really no wonder I thought I was missing something." She sounded like an airhead. 

"Hey, guys." I said as I walked in. I pulled up a chair next to Tommy. 

"Hey, Y/N." Tom said, his hand didn't fall to my thigh like normal. "What are you doing here." 

"Oh, just thought I would pop in." I laughed. "I'm sorry I don't think we've met, I'm Y/N by the way." 

"I'm Violet." She smiled but she glared at me like I was in the wrong for interrupting them. 

"Oh, yeah the new girl in ravenclaw." I smirked. "Well I should get going, see you later Tommy." I smiled at him and shot her a glare. 

After getting back to my dorm I saw Pansy holding Rufus to make it look like he was dancing. I moved and collapsed on her bed. 

"Is it wrong to get jealous over a girl that he's just helping her with potions?" I asked. 

Pansy stopped making Rufus dance and put him down. "No I wouldn't think so," She said. "I mean if you later find out she had a boyfriend then it might be." 

Rufus curled up next to me and I sat up and pulled him to my lap. He struggled but I held him closer. 

"Let me love you." I said to my Niffler. "I don't know, it's the new ravenclaw girl Violet. Snape is forcing Tom to help her." 

"Ugh her, I've heard some stuff about her. I would make sure she knows that he's yours." Pansy rolled her eyes. 

"But here's the other thing, his hand didn't fall on my thigh like it normally does when I sit with him." 

"Oof ouch. Do I need to hit him with a shoe?" She asked. 

"No, he's supposed to come here tonight." I walked towards my bed and laid down not even bothering to change into something other than my uniform.

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