Her Thigh

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Breathing was hard with my pulse in my throat and my lower regions. It didn't help that her hand was wrapped around my neck, squeezing slightly. Abruptly she let go of my neck and I took in a few gulps of air before I realized what the hand left for.

She traced my clit, her fingers feather light and brought her mouth to my breast. Sucking and nipping on and around my breasts, along with the teasing sensation was enough to bring me to the edge of an organism that she declined immediately.

"Fuck, please." I stuttered out, begging for release.

"Finger and rub yourself on my thigh." The command was one I didn't disobey.

I clambered up on her thigh, at first just brushing my oversensitive lower region against her thigh. Then I began to do it more roughly and brought my own fingers to myself, rubbing and circling my clit.


"Don't cum, baby." She guided my hips to grind down on her thigh. Then she just rested her hands on my hips.

My breath hitched with a sob as she kissed up my throat. My fingers were still in-between my thighs, against her leg. Thighs shaking, I push my middle finger in myself.

Her thigh twitches as to remind me to grind on her. I shift myself slightly on her, letting out a deep breath as she moved me against her thigh. My finger went deeper into my core every shift of my body colliding with her thigh.

I turn pleading eyes to her, near to breaking down in crocodile tears. My thighs kept clenching and unclenching making the pleasure and pain close to unbearable. She kissed my shoulder gently and her fingertips whispered their way down my side to join my own hand.

My breath caught in my chest as she pressed my ring finger in along with my middle. I let out a lewd sound that had her lips quirking up and her eyes meeting mine. My head dropped to her shoulder as she fucked me with my own fingers and I slightly grinded on her thigh.

She whispered my name. Not a nickname or a sweet lovers name. Just my full first name. My shoulders shook as she gently pulled my hand away. Shivering pleasure had rocked through my body at her saying my name. I turned my head and pressed a firm yet sweet lingering kiss on her neck.

With a newfound vigor, she grinding my hips down on her thigh, creating enough friction to make myself almost give in. She pinched my hip leaving a glorifying red mark.

"Can I-" my voice broke off as my oversensitive flesh ground into her thigh once again. My breathing was coming heavily and my body was spasming.

"You may." The two words were it for me. A short few seconds later an orgasm pulsed its way through my shaking frame. Way too sensitive flesh still rubbed against my girlfriends thigh. I had dug my nails in her back unconsciously, breathing in gasps.

Gently, she pushed my upper half to the bed but moved my lower regions around her. She placed my legs on either side of her body. Then she scooted back, and with her eyes on mine, she dipped her head between my thighs.

She bit harshly into my inner thigh, leaving a huge mark that only we would see. Then she kissed it and left hickeys on both of my thighs. Already aroused, having not calmed down even after my orgasm, my muscles clenched in my lower regions at her close proximity to my core.

She noticed the juices still dripping down to the black sheets and catching my eye, and holding eye contact, she licked a stripe through it.

Unable to contain the clenching of my thighs any longer, my thighs closed around her. Her hands were now on either side of my let's containing her. Not pulling away but urging closer.

Another orgasm soon made it throughout my body. My body shook harder than last time and tears were streaming from my eyes. She fucked the rest of the orgasm high with her slim fingers, pressing kisses on my stomach and breast.

When the worst of the shaking stopped, she made sure I breathed deeply to calm my pulse and then left in search of a washcloth. She came back when I was half dazed and cleaned my body up thoroughly. She had changed and brought one of her large t-shirts that she slipped over my head.

Before she could crawl behind me, I flipped my floppy weight around and buried myself in her chest. I wrapped my arms around her and settled comfortably.

Obviously seeing that I was perfectly content in the arrangement, she relaxed against my body and threw an arm around me and snuck the other under my neck and into my hair, tucking me closer.

She whispered my full first name once more, and I hummed in response. "You did so well."

Blush creeped its way to my face at the praise. "That was all you, and you know it." I responded sleepily. I tucked my head further into her chest and drew her even more tightly to me. She shook her head and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

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