Chapter 46 Tears and Anger

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°•{|Joe's POV|}•°

Today is Saturday which means there is no classes. I am planning to visit my mom to know what injury does she got. I will also pay for the medical needs since I am the richest among the family. I get dressed and step out of my dorm to visit my mom. She is at the hospital today and a little far from our school, meaning I have to use my car.

I got in my expensive car and started to drive. I turn on my radio to listen to music. I listen to the music named "What Makes You Beautiful" since that is one of my favorite songs to play.

I arrived at the hospital and I then realized that I forgot to stop by a bakery to buy her food. I just step in the hospital thinking she has eaten her food. I go to the counter and ask the lady of where is my mom. "Hello Sir. How may I help you?" She asked. "Good morning. Do you know where is the room of... France English?" I asked. "Wait for a moment sir" She said. She then open her laptop and started to search of what room my mom is at. "Your mom is at room 39 Sir." She said. "thank you" I said and go to room 39.

I arrived at room 39 but when I was about to open the door, I heard Sunny. I silently take a peak at the door and saw my family with Sunny. "Hello there sweetie" Mom said. "How are you doing Mrs. France?" She asked. "I am okay sweetie don't need to worry about me" She said. "I told you not to cross the road when it is on green light" Nada said. "I didn't noticed" She said. I then realize that my mom was hit by a car. Luckily she survived. "So... Should we tell America?" Dad said which confused me. About what are they talking about?. "We can tell him but he might not be able to remember since he was too young" Mrs. France said. "I mean, this is not really a big deal" Kiwi said. "Not a big deal? We forgot to tell him and he might be upset when he knew that we kept this a secret from him" Aus said which made me more  curious. "Let's just think this is not a big deal so we can tell it directly" Nada said. "Well... If we tell him this he have multiple reactions... He might be confuse sine he forgot all of these. He might be upset since we didn't tell him about it and he might be suprised" Mr. British said. I then open the door without them noticing. "what is the truth you were about to tell me?" I asked. They all look at me with a suprised face. "Oh your there. You can know the truth now the one we forgot to tell you" Nada said. "What is it? How come you forget to tell me?" I asked. "We were just busy" Aus said. "Son... Remember the girl we were supposed to adopt?" Dad said. "Yeah, that annoying girl who stole the spotlight from me" I said and Sunny felt a little sad. "Are you still mad at her?" Mrs. France said. "Yeah! She burn my 51st state!" I said. (That is fictional and not true). "Do you know why she burned it?" Kiwi said. "no..." I said. "Because you burned her 5th state" Nada said. "I did?" I asked. "Yeah. You didn't remember since you were too young that day" Mrs. France said. "Now come straight to the point. What is the secret?" I asked. "We don't want any relatioship to be broken so please accept the truth son..." Dad said. "What is it?!" I asked. "That girl was... Philia..." Mom said which shocked me. What?! The one who stole the spotlight from me was the one I loved?!. "No... This is not true... Right? I mean... Those days were the days I was still Thirteen Colonies!" I said. "Yes... You were still Thirteen those days" Mrs. France said. I turned to Sunny and she just look away. "So your saying. Philia is the one who burned one of my beloved states?!" I asked and they all nod. I just look at the ground and walk away from the room. My mind was full with anger and confusion at the same time. The girl who I am planning to take revenge on was the person I loved the most.

As I was walking, Sunny caught up to me and touch my shoulder. "Please let me explain" She said. I just push her away causing her to fall to the ground. "No! Just no! Do you know what you did!" I said. "Ame... I'm sorry..." She said. "No! Those times that I hang-out with you is all a waste of time! I am planning to take revenge and now your telling me your the one who killed him! Do you know how much I love my states! I treated them like my own!" I said. Sunny just felt sad while I was filled with anger. "I took care of them and now your telling me the country I helped is the country I should be killing?. Just leave me alone!" I said. I continued to walk until I arrived at my car.

I slammed the door and leaned on my car while tears were dropping on my face. This is the worst!. I hate this!. I started to drive and go to school.

I arrived at my dorm and saw my roommates. "Hello A-" before Spain could finish his sentence. I quickly ran to my room and slammed the door behind me locking it. I lay down in my bed and just looking at the ceiling. I was filled with anger as my tears started to drop. I just had fun with her yesterday and now this?. I hate this!. I then heard my phone ringing. I pick up my phone and saw Sunny calling me. I turn it off and didn't answer. I just have to chill right now.

Minutes later, somebody knocked at my door. I didn't open it until I heard Spain's voice. "Amigo what's wrong?" He asked. I stand up from bed and open the door to saw Spain and my brother Nada. "No" I said and was about to close the door until Nada stopped me. "Bro. Since you don't want Philia to explain to you then I will" He said. "I don't need and explanation" I said. "What is happening here mi amigo?" Spain asked Nada. "Nothing, you can leave now. I'll take care of this" Nada said. Spain leave us along while I sit in my bed again. Nada locked the door and sat with me touching shoulder. "I'm sorry we forgot to tell you bro" Nada said. "Just... Shut up..." I said. "Let me explain" He said. I just stayed silent and waiting for his explanation. "Years ago. Before your somebody colonilized Philia, she used to come to us since her parents are always at work. You always bully her but she didn't care. Our dad and Philia's dad are great friends that is why Philips trusted us. Our dad always wanted to adopt Philia but her father dosen't let him since her father loves her. That is why our father failed to adopt Philia" Nada said. "So? I want the explanation about her killing my state!" I said. "Well... I don't want to annoy you more but... Your the one who started it..." He said and I look at him. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well... You used to bully her and hurt her but she didn't mind it. You got annoyed and you burned her 4th state" Nada said which shock me. "W-what?" I said. "Yes you did. Philia has 4 states. It became three since you burned her 4th one. That is why she only has 3 states now. Philia was very affected since she loves her states so much. So she take back by killing your 51st state. You became sad and got mad at her so you CounTion Captain America get back by torturing her during the American Colonization" Nada said. "Is that the reason why her brother's hated me?" I asked and he nods. "Yes. She suffered so much during that colonizations especially the other colonizations" Nada said. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "Well... She got colonilized by three counties you know. She got colonilized by Spain's dad, Your CounTion and JP's dad" Nada said. I felt quite felt sorry for Sunny. "Why are you telling me this Colonization?" I said. "Well... Its connected to the situation and also... Don't you get it?" He asked. "No. I don't" I said. "It means even after all of her suffering, she still manage to forgive you guys. You should forgive her too. You have to show that even she stole something from you, you have to learn to forgive like she does. She loves you very much and treated you like family. You should forgive her cause if you really love her, you have to learn to forgive" Nada said. "I'll think about it..." I said. "I'll be here to comfort you bro" He said. I then felt tired and fell asleep in his shoulder. "Feel well my little brother" He said.

Don't worry Ame and Philia will still be friends. I think this chapter is kinda dramatic... Sorry if you hate drama. Also that 4th state thing is not true. It's fictional again

Published: March 30, 2024

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