My Smart Girl (Part One)

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I screwed up. I had spent years on my research, and my boss was not impressed. As a biologist, my job is to study organisms and their reaction to certain drugs. I had made a pretty big discovery, but my paper had failed terribly.

"Y/N, this is awful." my boss snapped. "A kindergartener could have written this."

His words had ruined my day. Ruined it. But, coming home to Gillian made it much better. As I opened the front door, Gillian peered up at me from behind a book.

"How'd it go, darling?" she asked with a smile.

"Could have been better..." I replied, attempting to hide my disappointment.

Gillian looked shocked. "What? How? What happened?"

"He didn't like it - said it was horrible." I joined Gillian on the couch.

"Honey, he could not be more wrong." She consolidated. "Didn't he say that about your last research paper? Look at how that ended! You received an award and your paper was published... it just doesn't make sense!"

She was right. I had spent years on my work, and I wasn't going to let my pessimistic boss get in the way. I stood up and grabbed my bags, ready to get out of my work clothes.

"He's probably jealous..." Gillian mumbled.

"And why's that?" I replied, sitting back down.

"He doesn't get to have you like I do." Gillian inched closer to me, biting her lip.

"Well, I guess that's his loss." I smiled, kissing her. "Nobody can make me come like you can."

Gillian grabbed my face, moaning into our kiss. After a few seconds, she pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"How did I get so lucky to have a smart, beautiful girl like you?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I whispered.

Gillian removed her robe, revealing black lace lingerie underneath. She grabbed my hand and placed it where she needed it most.

"How about we take this upstairs?"

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