Ayano opens her mouth to respond, but she’s cut off by a different voice.

    “Ayano, there you are!” Akane greets, hands clasped in front of her chest as she smiles. The rest of Ayano’s group sticks around, curious.

    “What’s the matter, Akane?” Ayano asks, glancing around for anything unusual.

    “Oh, nothing! Actually, there are two wonderful things.” She turns, facing Osorō more, though her eyes are still closed due to her wide smile. “To start, Osorō! The counselor has informed us that your grades have skyrocketed in improvement. You’re farther ahead than most of your class, and I am happy to say that you no longer need tutoring.”

    Osorō’s expression is unreadable, and he nods slowly. “Alright, thanks.” He turns to Ayano. “So, princess, want to hang out with me and the guys? They’ve been complaining that you’re never around for more than five minutes.”

    Ayano giggles. “Sure.”

    “Actually,” Akane interrupts. “There’s still the other thing. Ayano, along with being able to return to your work, I’d like to tell you that Megamo has finally returned!”

    Ayano blinks, remembering the Student Council President. “Ah. I guess I’ll finally get to meet him, then?”

    Akane nods. “That’s everything. I’ll be glad to see you in the club room once again.” Then Akane walks away, as graceful and poised as ever.

    Ayano blinks. “Osorō, I think I have to get back to you on hanging out with your friends. What about later this week?”

    Osorō nods, smiling slightly. “Alright, see ya, princess. Good luck with work.”

    With that, Ayano waves goodbye to her friends and heads up to the Student Council room. She opens the door, unsure what to expect.

    She’s greeted with the sharpest, iciest eyes she’s ever seen. Only the President himself is in the room, and he eyes her curiously. 

    “Ayano Aishi, I presume?” He asks, standing up from the table to greet her.

    “Yes. It’s nice to meet you, Megamo,” Ayano shakes his hand, the feel of the black glove unusual underneath her fingers.

    “Of course. I’ve been told that you are our new Historian. How have you progressed on that?” He’s formal, and he doesn’t fully look away as he sits back in his seat. He doesn’t ever turn his back.

    Ayano feels odd under his gaze. She feels like she’s being judged.

    She pushes the feeling aside, focusing on her happiness. “I’ve almost completed my work. In a few weeks, every single paper will be organized and filed away properly.”

    Megamo nods, then looks down to his papers. “Then I’ll leave you to your work.”

    Ayano heads over to her filing cabinet, because at this point she’s claimed it as hers, and gets to work. As she reads through the papers, she comes across Megamo’s. It’s rather sparse, only telling of his previous time in the Student Council the previous year. He’s rather independent, marked by his lack of willingness to ask for help. Ayano glances at the boy at the table, hand pressed against his forehead as he writes quickly on a paper. Even as a few of the Council members walk in and out, they barely greet him. Instead, they favor coming up to Ayano, asking her questions about her return from tutoring, about a paper they need, or just a polite, “How are you, Ayano?”

Ayano Aishi, the Emotionless Lover  Where stories live. Discover now