Chapter 30 - Odette

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As Louis and I stepped into the dimly lit corridors of the castle, I wasted no time in approaching the first person we encountered—a maid hurrying towards the kitchen, her worn apron dusted with flour.

"Miss? Where is King Cedrick?" I inquired, my voice betraying a mixture of urgency and determination.

Startled, the maid's eyes widened in recognition, her features contorting with disbelief at the sight of me. "Princess?" she gasped, her voice barely above a whisper. "U-uh, he is most likely in the throne room."

Without a moment's hesitation, I exchanged a glance with Louis, his silent support a reassuring presence beside me.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" he asked, his voice steady despite the gravity of our mission, as we hastened our pace towards the heart of the castle.

"Kill Cedrick," I replied, my fingers instinctively curling around the hilt of Louis's sword, determination burning fiercely within me, but Louis stopped me from taking the sword.

"No. I need to keep you safe, without you, this kingdom will crumble." He said.

I nodded in understanding as we approached the imposing doors of the throne room. With a forceful push, Louis sent the doors flying open, the resounding thud echoing through the cavernous room.

And there he sat, a piece of trash seated upon my rightful throne, his presence a stain upon the legacy of my family.

"Ah! They have returned!" Cedrick exclaimed, his voice dripping with mock hospitality as he greeted us with a sly smile, his gaze shifting between us.

"Yeah, yeah. You killed my parents, drove this kingdom into ruin, and took the throne. My throne," I spat, my words laced with venom as I confronted the tyrant who had robbed me of everything I held dear.

Cedrick's facade of arrogance faltered, his features contorting with rage as he rose to his feet, his hand instinctively reaching for the sword at his side. "Well, I think it's time to decide who is the true ruler of this kingdom," he growled, his eyes narrowing as he locked onto me with predatory intent.

With a swift motion, Cedrick charged towards me, but Louis unleashed a burst of magic that bathed the room in a brilliant emerald light.

Seizing the momentary lapse in Cedrick's focus, Louis pushed me out of the way, his eyes locking on his new target.

The clash of swords reverberated off the stone walls, punctuated by the flickering light of torches casting eerie shadows. Louis and Cedrick were locked in a deadly battle, that moved with a graceful fluidity.

Cedrick, clad in polished steel, advanced with calculated precision, his every movement a testament to years of training he must have endured. Louis though outnumbered and outmatched in size, met each strike with a defiance born of unwavering determination.

Their swords sang through the air as they circled each other, eyes locked in a deadly stare. With each clash, sparks erupted, casting a surreal glow upon the scene. The scent of sweat and metal hung heavy in the air as they fought with an intensity that bordered on the primal.

Cedrick making his blows relentless and unforgiving, seemed to have the upper hand. With each strike, he drove Louis backwards, inch by inch, his sword gleaming with a deadly sheen.

But Louis didn't give up, though bloodied and bruised, refused to yield. With a fierce determination, he parried each blow with a grace that defied his injuries, his movements fueled by a fire that burned deep within.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Cedrick saw his opportunity and unleashed a devastating series of strikes, aiming to end the fight once and for all. But Louis, appearing to draw upon reserves of strength I didn't know he possessed, weathered the onslaught with a steadfast resolve.

In a desperate bid for victory, Cedrick launched a final, brutal assault, his sword cutting through the air with deadly precision. But just as it seemed he would emerge triumphant, fate intervened.

With a surge of adrenaline, Louis summoned all his remaining strength and delivered a lightning-fast counterattack, disarming Cedrick with a skill that bordered on the supernatural. With a gasp of disbelief, Cedrick stumbled backward, his sword clattering to the ground.

In that moment of vulnerability, Louis seized his chance. With a primal roar, he lunged forward, his red hair gleaming in the light. Time seemed to slow as Cedrick crumpled to the ground, defeated.

As silence descended upon the throne room, Louis stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion, his sword stained with the blood of his fallen foe. The castle walls bore witness to his hard-fought triumph, a testament to the indomitable spirit of the warrior inside of him.

He turned to me. With a small bow, he uttered the words that sealed my destiny.

"You are now the true Queen of Oryn."

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