Chapter 29 - Louis

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As Odette and I traversed the bustling city streets toward the towering silhouette of the castle, I could feel the weight of all eyes upon us. The whispers of the citizens seemed to swirl around us, mingling with the distant echoes of a kingdom once vibrant, now shrouded in the shadows of despair.

Each face we passed wore an expression of astonishment, as if unable to comprehend the return of their long-lost princess. Their gazes, once dulled by months of hardship under Cedrick's tyrannical reign, now flickered with a glimmer of hope, a spark ignited by Odette's presence among them once more.

The city, once a beacon of prosperity and grandeur, now lay in disarray. Streets that were once polished to a gleaming sheen were now marred by layers of grime and neglect. Even the rich districts, where the wealthy once reveled in extravagance, bore the scars of neglect, their once-proud facades crumbling like the dreams of a kingdom abandoned.

Approaching the imposing gates of the castle, we were met by a young guard, scarcely more than a boy, whose eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. Odette, her regal bearing unwavering, spoke with a commanding tone that brooked no opposition.

"We need to get in," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of authority that had long been denied.

The guard, his voice faltering in the face of her presence, stammered a response. "Y-yes, your highness," he managed, fumbling to open the gates before us.

As we ascended the cobblestone path leading to the castle's entrance, memories of our past visits flooded my mind. The echoes of laughter and the sound of music once filled this road, a stark contrast to the somber silence that now enveloped it.

With a resounding crash, Odette flung open the doors, the sound echoing through the empty corridors like a clarion call announcing her return. Standing tall and unwavering, she stepped forward, ready to reclaim her rightful place upon the throne and restore hope to a kingdom on the brink of despair.

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