Chapter 1: Preparation and Anticipation

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The Karasuno volleyball team buzzed with excitement as they gathered at their school gym, bags slung over their shoulders and spirits high.

"Can you believe we're finally going to training camp?" Hinata exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"It's gonna be awesome!" Tanaka chimed in, flashing a grin.

As they chatted and laughed, the team set to work, gathering their gear and double-checking their packing lists.

"Did anyone remember to bring extra socks?" Nishinoya called out, rifling through his bag in search of the elusive item.

"I've got some!" Sugawara replied, tossing a pair to his eager teammate

Amidst the bustle, Kageyama stood off to the side, a focused expression on his face as he meticulously organized his equipment.

"Hey, Kageyama, you excited?" Hinata asked, nudging his elbow.

Kageyama grunted in response, but the glint in his eye betrayed his anticipation.

With their preparations complete, the team gathered outside the gym, the sun casting long shadows across the pavement. The sight of the waiting van filled them with a sense of anticipation as they exchanged excited glances.

"Ready to go, everyone?" Daichi called out, his voice carrying over the chatter.

A chorus of affirmations echoed through the group as they filed into the van, eager for the adventures that awaited them at training camp.

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