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Before we knew it, it was morning and they left.

Though Hawks and Eugene would come back soon, we just didn't know when. I don't really mind, but what I'm really concerned for -

When will Dabi visit again?

It's been a while, I'm glad he didn't come whilst they were here, or else it would have caused a ruckus.

I felt better than before, having taken my medicines and taking proper rest too. Feeling energized enough I got up and went to heat up some leftover food from last night.

I reached to the kitchen, noting that the balcony was open.

'Hawks probably left through there..'

As I heated up my breakfast, I quickly realised,

"No.. Eugene must have been with him.. They both could have just used the front door." I trailed off, thinking to myself a finger on my chin whilst my other hand stirred the pan.

On que, right on time I hear a faint flush in my bathroom.

Okay, well that wasn't the case then.

He's in my house. Dabi is in my house, nobody else would be in here but him - how else would he get in but through the balcony?

I know he wouldn't smash another window, he would most likely enter through the balcony nowadays.

Holy shit.

Right, act cool.

Well what if it isn't Dabi doofus?

Well I'll just deal with it as so.

I braced myself for impact when I hear the door knob twist and -

It's Dabi, I could hear it in his footsteps, his own little pattern that I came to recognize. It isn't really unique, but I have this weird thing where I recognize whoever's footsteps.

It kinda all started with my parents so it makes sense.

It takes kinda alot of focus though, sometimes I don't recognize so it's like a fifty-fifty. But I get it right most of the time anyway.

"Y/n.. long time no see." I heard his voice from behind me.

I took a deep breathe, and turned around to face him.

"Dabi? Where have you been?"

He looks different for some reason.

"Some personal life just caught up to me, what about you?" He nervously scratches the back of his head, and I narrowed my eyes.

"Oh, I just got over a fever." I bluntly answer and his eyes widened.

"When? How are you feeling?" Is everything doing okay?" Dabi immediately came over my way coming closer. Which wasn't really my thing.

Villains in my friends list wasnt really a good idea in my headspace.

I immediately took a step back, but I noted the objects behind me and minded it.

Atleast Dabi respected my space, he backed off and kept his hands back to his sides. "Everything's fine, I got my medicines and I'm just heating up some soup for myself." I held a hand up putting some space between us.

He nodded, "Let me heat that up for you."


Keeping a watchful eye on him, he didn't do anything mischievous yet. Excluding his defensive act, he didn't really do anything bad around here. He coexisted with me as if a regular roommate would.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें