The truth (third person pov)

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Rin okumura, a 15 year old boy, who is  mainly considered an orphan but he is so much more than that what he thinks he is.

He was taken in by father fujimoto, along with his brother, yukio.

Rin, growing up has always had a hot temper, peoples called him a 'demon', a 'monster, people still do, his brother on the other hand was smart, never had he got told off, yukio was normal. despite the brothers differences they still loved each other that is until that fateful day.

"Hey, okumura!" Shouted a voice with a hint of cruelty hidden behind it.
"WHAT!" Screamed an agitated Rin

"I heard your brother got into true cross and you see I'm going there as well and I don't want no unnecessary rumours going around, so I'm buying your silence, the money would help your brother pay his tuition, what's his name again isn't it yukio" the boy said
"Say what you want about me but don't diss my brother" shouted Rin in obvious anger

In the matter of minutes Rin got pinned down on the floor by the boy's pawns in that moment Rin had a glint of fear as he saw the boy turn into something else something that wasn't human.

The boy had picked up a red hot metal bar threatening to hurt Rin but suddenly a blast of blue fire rushed out of rin's body making the 2 boys run in fear.

"Ah, so I was right, sorry about that young prince but we must be on our way satan is waiting" said a cold voice
"Who and what are you? what in the hell do you mean by satan?" Questioned a pissed of Rin
"I'm a demon king names astroth" answer the demon

Out of nowhere father fujimoto appeared chanting something.

The demon astrathor clenched his head in pain, the chant was obviously one that could expel the demon possessing the teenager.

Unbeknownst to Rin father fujimoto had grabbed his wrist as the old man's face was covered in a mask of worry and fear, it wasn't like father fujimoto feared the boy but underneath all that love and protectiveness hid a scared coward who only feared death and what would cause his death.

Soon enough they made it back to the monastery. Everyone there had started to put protection charms around the building,

meanwhile in the monastery

"Rin you are the son of a demon not just any demon Satan the ruler of Gehenna."Stated fujimoto firmly although the was hesitation leased in his words
" the moment I stopped being human you were just going to throw me out unlike yukio I'm not perfect I'm not good enough for you so don't go calling yourself my dad so stop pretending!" shouted Rin in anger in betrayal 

In that moment, father fujimoto hit Rin across the face which surprised the blue raven haired boy.

Abruptly father fujimoto clutched his stomach as if he was in pain but suddenly a psychotic laugh echoed in the room, father fujimoto grew elf like ears his body had been surrounded by blue burning fire.

"Ah Rin, I've been dying to meet you my son but right now, my main priority is to get you into Gehenna but before I do that, I'll need to break that damned sword  i don't want any human left within you when I train you to take my place as king someday."Said the psychotic voice

Satan unsheathed the sword that tied Rin's demon heart and powers and instantly broke it in half.

Suddenly a piecing scream echoed through the room, the once whole church was burned in an instant as blue flames surrounded Rin and then a thud could be heard it had turned out that Rin had fainted.

Satan then smirked to himself as he saw the unconscious Rin on the ground full demon.

First step achieved now all I have to do is rid Rin of his humanity only hatred has to remain muttered Satan in pride

Satan opened the Gehenna gate and threw Rin in it.

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