Chapter One

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Hunter paced back and forth in his room seething with anger, he took a large stomp every few steps trying to blow off some steam.

"Keep it down up there." He heard his mother shout from downstairs.

Hunter clicked his tongue making a harsh 'tsk'. He knew why he was sent to his room. He played a prank on his sister. She was such a tattle tale! His mom had sentenced him to his room with his punishment to be decided later.

He slammed into his computer chair at his desk. He knew he was going to get his allowance cut, or video games taken away. He didn't even deny it when confronted, he had at least thought his Mom would find some humor in the joke. He rattled his fingers on his desk, there was no way he was even going to attempt his homework so why bother pulling it out?

"This is so dumb!" Hunter complained in frustration. He considered what he could do to get her back, he reached to his drawer and hesitated for a moment. Did he really want to do that?

Last week Hunter had purchased a bottle of itching powder from his favorite joke shop, he had intended to only use it as a threat but now he felt his sister actually deserved it. If he was going to get in trouble anyway it might as well be for something good!

He pulled open his drawer and lifted the shaker bottle out and put it on his desk. This was the first time using it but the bottle already looked open. He opened the fliptop on the lid to a small puff of powder which he closed immediately, he didn't want itching powder all over his desk.

He looked at his clock, it was an hour before his sister had ballet practice. All he had to do was sneak into her room, open up her duffle bag and fill her ballet clothes with the stuff. If he was really lucky she wouldn't notice until she was already in class!

Hunter grabbed the bottle and went to his door and peaked out, no one was in the hallway and he could hear his Mom and sister from downstairs. He tiptoed from his room to his sister's, careful to avoid the squeaky floorboards or knocking into the hall table. Her door was older than his since his was replaced as a result of a prank earlier that year. He knowingly twisted the door handle and gave the door a shove with just the right amount of pressure, the door flew open without any creaks. Catching the door the moment before it hit the wall he gave himself a smile, he was almost too good at this.

The room's walls were painted pastel pink and purple, dolls lined her shelves and posters of ballerinas and unicorns adorned her walls. Her room was almost a shrine to the girliest hobbies available, could his Mom really blame him for teasing her a little?

Hunter stepped over her clothes and games spread out over the ground, at least her room wasn't any more tidy than his. He opened her closet showcasing her large clothe and toy collection, she really hasn't thrown anything away. He started moving things aside looking for her duffle bag, she had practice twice a week so it had to be in here somewhere.

Dolls, toys and accessories tumbled out of her closet as he dug through it. How could his sister have buried it under all this stuff? Eventually he grasped the handle of her duffle and yanked it out of her closet. "Finally." He said, a little too loudly.

Hunter threw the bag onto her bed and snatched the zipper to open it. He dug through the bag, past the water bottles and towels. Pulling out the pale pink tights, leotard with attached tutu and ballet slippers and tossed them on a cleared spot on her bedroom floor.

Hunter yanked the outfit inside out and read over the bottle of itching powder one more time. He flipped the shaker top open and started dusting the outfit with white powder, being vigilant not to get any on himself.

"What are you doing?" Hunter's sister, Brenda, asked from her door. Just as he was finishing up.

Hunter caught off guard, still holding the bottle and had already flipped the outfit right side out and froze for a second. "Alright you caught me." He admitted. "Are you going to tell Mom?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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