Therdo's pov

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Therdo, a fashion designer propelled into the limelight by a single ad, found himself navigating the peculiar routine of weekly blind dates at the insistence of his grandfather.

Exiting the elevator one evening, Therdo couldn't suppress a sigh at the prospect of yet another blind date. It had become a regular occurrence, thanks to his grandfather's persistent matchmaking efforts.

Approaching his apartment door, Therdo's attention was caught by a girl standing nearby triggering his cautious instincts. But as she turned, he recognized her instantly - the girl from his dreams.
"Her long, cascading brown hair framed her face, drawing attention to the same endearing mole beneath her eye."

"It's not good to stalk people," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of humour.

Ophelia, as she introduced herself, held out his missing wallet with nervous determination. Therdo noticed the earpiece in her ear, signalling a mission in progress.

"I'm an agent," Ophelia explained urgently. "There's a criminal I need to catch. Can you help me distract him? We need to act fast."

Without hesitation, Therdo nodded, his grip firm around her arm. With a gallant kiss to her hand, he silently vowed to assist her, marvelling at her poise even amidst danger.

Their collaboration led to the successful capture of the criminal, and Therdo couldn't help but admire Ophelia's grace and competence. Gratitude flowed between them as the adrenaline of the moment settled.

But Therdo, ever the opportunist, seized the chance to salvage his ruined blind date. With a playful yet sincere request, he secured a promise for a date from Ophelia, who hesitated only briefly before agreeing.

As they exchanged conversation, Ophelia's ID card passed hands, a silent acknowledgement of their connection. And when he asked for her number, Ophelia accepted, unaware of the curious gaze of a nearby stranger.

James who seemed to be her close friend interrupted them and expressed his gratitude before leading Ophelia away. Therdo watched them depart, noting the tension in James's demeanour with a flicker of curiosity.

"Did he glare at me?" "huh weird"

With a parting smile, Ophelia bid Therdo farewell, leaving him with a lingering sense of anticipation for their upcoming date. As she disappeared from view, Therdo couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey.

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