always and forever

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season 1 ep 1 

episode pov-

"over the course of my long life I have come to believe that we are bound forever to those with whom we share blood and while we may not chose our family that bond can be our greatest strength or our deepest regret this unfortunate truth has haunted me for at long as I can recall"

Mississippi river, 300 years ago

"what do you make of that" 

"no banner no flags loaded in out of no where a miracle ship" the man turns his head to look at the other with a smirk "why is it just sitting out there" the other says looking off into the distance "suppose we outta find out" 

the men board the boat going down into the ship with there lantern the floor board creek and its silent "where the hell is everyone" one speaks out load "deserted which makes everything in the hold legally forfeit... take what suits you" in which everyone starts looking around "what do you make of that?" a man points out some coffins "open it up"and they did as told and came across a man stabbed in the chest all grey and vieny and dessicated

"what the hell"  

then just like that people started vanishing outta thin air the swooshing could be heard with the men turning circles trying to find out what's happening with gasp one man looks at the other and goes to make a run for it turning around to look one more time he vanished flying up off the ladder with a scream with a terrified gasp the man jumped back and it went silent he was turning all directions


"Hm" a gorgeous women said elegantly wiping the blood off her mouth with blood red eyes and black veins under her eyes "lovely to see such a handsome face after a long journey" she said "can I eat him brother?" she asked with a straight face 

"I'd rather you didn't" a man said coming out the darkness with a smile

"there's no need to be afraid" the random man said stepping forward "you'll do exactly as I say you'll remember nothing " he said looking into the mans eyes "I will remember nothing" the man mimics "we've had a very long journey where in which unfortunately we lost all our crew therefore I would ask you to kindly transport our belongings to the shore" 

"what kind of hell demons are you" with a confused look was all the man could respond with 

"we're vapmires darling the original vampires" the women speaks up "Rebekah" the introduces herself and nods at the man "elijah" and looks towards the coffins "our brothers kol and Finn may they rest in peace" with a silent pause a man that hast been named yet speaks up 

"are we saving the best for last?" 

"and our half brother niklaus" she women speaks turning around to look up and see the man from the ladder earlier now had been killed and was being held by the man "ignore him he's a beast" the man laughed  with blood red eyes and black veins under his eyes with a smile he threw the dead man down with a thud "we fled Europe and survived the seas would you rather I arrive hungry on the shores of our new home land" she man said in a very strong ascent with blood all over his chin "niklaus your manners are as always without equal sir would you be so good as to tell us where it is that we have landed" Elijah said while stepping up to the random man in the middle of the room 

"the French colony of Louisiana off the shores of a town they've named New Orleans" 

"well thank you so much" Elijah responded as he goes to walk off he turns around and says "oh and I do recommend that you find yourself further assistance for the luggage my sincere apologies" he turnes and walks off and they all leave the man he turns around to see blood all over a wall with a headless body of the crew 

the secret love lies ( KLAUS mikaelson X OC)Where stories live. Discover now