
Start from the beginning

"But should she be though?" Jimin can't help but spitefully announce her thoughts which immediately caught the entire group off guard as they turned their attention towards the ponytailed haired girl.

"What do you mean?" Joonyeong quizzically asks their classmate with a raised eyebrow for her sudden and harsh input regarding the situation. The others merely stayed silent as they all waited in anticipation for her no doubt cold hearted response.

The ponytail clad teenager then looks up to her classmates with a cold glint laced within her orbs. "She almost murdered Yohan and walked out of the room in her volition. After what she has done to our friend, do you think she still has a right to live? Aren't you all being pretentious?" She retorts at them, which makes everyone look down in shame as they try to digest the words that have spewed out of her mouth. All of them couldn't help but feel the immense guilt beginning to bubble inside their chest upon realizing the gravity of the situation they are all facing.

"But what about Ms. Park? Did she deserve to die too?" Wujin questions her, not liking the tone of her voice one bit.

"Is that our fault?" Jimin spats back, clearly getting defensive that her feelings were now being questioned as she knows in herself that she is merely trying to justify that what they are feeling and what they have done is right and reasonable.

"Regardless of the matter, it still happened because of us." Gyeongsu tried to calmly reason with his classmate, but it seems like their opinions merely went over Jimin's head and still held her chin up in trying to defend what had happened a few moments prior to Yohan's incident.

"Why? What did we even do? Nayeon was the one who almost killed Yohan and tried to play as the victim. She was the one who left even when none of us told her to. Because why? Because we didn't listen to her? Because we didn't push Yohan out of the room like she wanted? Just because no one is willing to listen to you, then it's suddenly okay to try and kill someone?" Jimin explained as she tries her best to not shed a single tear, looking at every one of her classmates who dares to try and interject her words.

"Ms. Park talked as if we were all on the wrong side of the situation when we were all just trying to save our friend from her own demise. Now tell me, was it really us who told them to go out there? Tell me, what did we even do wrong?" She questions once more and lets it hang within the tense atmosphere so that no one would try to guilt trip her once more. She lets out a quiet sob to herself and even harshly refuses the timid affection and confrontation that Hyoryung was trying to offer her as a close friend of hers.

And thus, ends the argument between the remaining students as they merely sit in their spots and try to take in everything that has happened and everyone they have lost in just a span of a day. All of them were no doubt fatigued, starving and possibly dehydrated due to all the strenuous activities that they have pushed themselves into in an attempt to survive. All they wanted to do was to get some sleep and hopefully wake up the next morning just to realize that everything that had happened today was all but a crazy dream. But they knew, it was far from the truth and yet they can't help but still hope.

Taking a deep sigh as to ground himself in the midst of the situation, Lee Cheongsan then lets his gaze travel towards the recording room to check up on their unconscious classmate. He immediately perks up within his seat upon noticing Yohan slowly beginning to stir in his spot, which made his classmates flinch at his sudden motion before turning to see where he was looking within the recording studio. They couldn't help but widen their eyes upon realizing that Yohan was slowly regaining consciousness and yet they still can't help but worry if he might turn out into one of those monsters continuing to bite and spread their virus throughout the entirety of the school.

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