Ruby smith, you're the dumbest of them all.

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As the final bell echoed through the classroom, Mrs. Walter's gravelly voice declared, "Class dismissed." Her voice, scratchy and hoarse from years of smoking, always seemed to carry an undercurrent of irritation, particularly when directed at Ruby. Slouched in her seat, Ruby felt the weight of Mrs. Walter's disapproving gaze linger on her, a constant reminder of her academic struggles. While some students excelled with straight A's, Ruby found herself consistently receiving straight C's, a testament to her lack of care and effort in her studies.

With a resigned sigh, Ruby gathered her pens, paper, and scattered belongings, shoving them haphazardly into her bag. The careless manner in which she packed reflected her general attitude towards school – a place she endured rather than embraced. Today was no exception, and even the absence of her usual companions didn't alter her routine.

Glancing around the emptying classroom, Ruby couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness. Her friends hadn't shown up to school that day, leaving her to navigate the halls alone. Yet, their absence did little to disrupt her plans for the night. Despite the mundane routine of school, Ruby's thoughts were consumed by the anticipation of the evening's activities.

As Ruby mentally reassured herself, "I don't need my friends tonight, I have plans, that can't be interrupted," Mrs. Walter's sharp voice shattered her thoughts. "Ruby Smith, come over here," the teacher called out, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. Ruby's heart sank as she realized her attempt to reassure herself had backfired, and she resignedly made her way to Mrs. Walter's desk, knowing that her evening plans were now in jeopardy.

As Ruby approached Mrs. Walter's desk, she couldn't help but feel a knot of apprehension tighten in her stomach. The teacher's stern expression gave nothing away as she regarded Ruby with a penetrating gaze.

"You wanted to see me, Mrs. Walter?" Ruby asked, trying to keep her voice steady despite the unease swirling within her.

"Yes, Ruby," Mrs. Walter replied, her tone clipped. "I've noticed your grades slipping even further lately. It's concerning."

Ruby shifted uncomfortably under the teacher's scrutiny, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up her neck. "Um, yeah, I'll try harder," she mumbled, a familiar sense of inadequacy washing over her.

Mrs. Walter sighed heavily, her disappointment palpable. "It's not just about trying harder, Ruby. It's about applying yourself and taking your education seriously. You have potential, but you're squandering it."

Ruby's shoulders slumped as the weight of Mrs. Walter's words settled on her. She knew the teacher was right, but the thought of putting in the effort required seemed daunting.

"I'll... I'll do better," Ruby promised, though even she wasn't convinced by her own words.

Mrs. Walter nodded, her expression softening slightly. "I hope you do, Ruby. Your future depends on it."

Mrs. Walter sighed, her patience wearing thin. "Go on, Ruby. But remember, we'll need to have a serious discussion about this soon."

Ruby nodded, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Yes, Mrs. Walter," she murmured, feeling the weight of her teacher's disappointment bearing down on her.

With a heavy heart, Ruby gathered her bag and turned to leave the classroom, the echo of Mrs. Walter's admonition ringing in her ears. As she walked through the empty halls, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled over her. Despite her best efforts to brush it off, Ruby knew that her encounter with Mrs. Walter was a stark reminder of the consequences of her indifference towards her education.

As she stepped out into the cool afternoon air, Ruby couldn't help but wonder if her evening plans would even matter in the face of the challenges ahead. With a heavy sigh, she resolved to do better, if not for herself, then at least to appease Mrs. Walter's expectations.

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