Chapter 23: Such A Pretty Long Coat.

Start from the beginning

For the first time since altering her appearance to that of being Phoenix, Anastasia had no idea what Baalat was talking about. She had his memories and knew his mannerism but as far as a secret area of his mind. She had no idea what it could be. Was this a test? Was Baalat testing her to make sure she was really Phoenix? She had to think quickly and decide whether it was a trick or not.

"Why, that's where I keep my most cherished memories of you. I keep them locked away so nothing happens to them."

"Oh, ok. I'm so glad I'm back in your arms again my love."

"Well I did promise I would remember you and find you."

"You've kept that promise lovely."

Phoenix opened his wings from around her pulling her back away from him but still smiling at her.

"Why don't I help you put on your gift so I can see how well it fits you. I'm rather eager to see if you look as beautiful in it as I had imagined you would."

"Alright. I do love the colors you chose for it."

Baalat turned around to pick up the jacket from the dresser. She gave it to Phoenix before holding her hair up with one hand as he guided her free arm into one sleeve. She then transferred which hand held her hair up so he could put her other arm in its sleeve.

Releasing her hair she allowed it to fall elegantly onto her back on top of the jacket. Pulling the waist strap around she fastened the jacked closed. Baalat turned around to face Phoenix.

"Is it just as you imagined it would look."

He smiled back at her.

"Yes, but you should have a mirror so you can see how pretty you look in it."

Baalat's smiled faded as a look of worry placed itself on her face.

"What's the matter?"

"I... just don't like mirrors."

"Can't you make this one exception for me? I want to see the look on your face when you see how pretty you look in it."

She bit her lower lip thinking quickly. What if her other mind came back with the new mirror. Would it be then that it chose to take over and kill her Phoenix? But then she couldn't really say 'no' to him. He'd suspect something then. She'd have to risk it.

"Ok, I'll call the front desk and have them bring a new one up."

"No need too."

Phoenix raised his hand to the empty frame. Deep ruby red flames filled the empty frame with a new mirror.

"There we go. Why don't you turn around and take a look."

Holding her breath and closing her eyes she turned to the mirror. Phoenix rested his chin on her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her waist holding her tightly in his arms. This calmed her mind and gave her confidence to open her eyes. The coat was very well fitted to her body around the chest and flaring out past the waist. Phoenix whispered in her ear softly.

"I will remember you, and I will find you."

It was Anastasia's voice. Baalat was suddenly filled with shock and fear as she looked at Phoenix's reflection in the mirror. It was that same woman's face from her dream grinning back at her. Acting on impulse she turned quickly around and a few feet back from Phoenix, only it wasn't Phoenix standing in front of her. Baalat's voice shook with fear.

"Who are you? Where's my Phoenix? What have you done with my Phoenix?"

"I think you mean to say, what have I done with my Phoenix."

"That's... that's what I said."

"No, no, no. My as in Mine, not as in yours."

Anger invited itself to Baalat's emotions.

"He's mine! Only mine."

"You poor diluted child. I'm the original. You're just some knock off of some incomplete D.N.A. I donated back at The Tower. It's not you in that memory of his. It's me. It's not you that he loves. It's me. It's not you that he sleeps with every night. It's me."

"You're a retched liar! You stole him from me! I want my Phoenix back right NOW!"

Anastasia simply laughed.

"He was never here. It was me all along."

"You lie!"

Anastasia became Phoenix once more in front of Baalat. Baalat collapsed to the floor curling up in a ball crying.

"*sobbing* You're lying, I know you are! I know he was here. I know he held me. Bring him back to me. He's mine."

"No, he's mine. I will tell you one truth. That jacket you're wearing he did make. And he did make it with all the feelings and emotions and energy you made him feel."

Becoming Anastasia again she knelt down to Baalat and touched the coat. It screamed out its unworldly scream. Immediately the coat's properties took effect on Baalat as it began to radiate all of the pain, sorrow and negative energy Phoenix had created it from. Her crying stopped only to be replaced with her screaming as she became overwhelmed by the buneydle fabric.



Her scream intensified as more and more of the pain and sorrow flooded her mind and body until the window in her room shattered.

She clawed and tore at the jacked to get it off but each time she did it just held onto her tighter repairing itself as she damaged it. Anastasia stood over Baalat smiling down at her a sense of accomplishment filled her. She ripped off one of the bed sheets from the bed and wrapped Baalat up in it. Making sure she was secured Anastasia hoisted her onto her shoulder and leaped out the broken window catching a strong thermal. Flying the few blocks it was to the bastille she smiled to herself at the muffled screams of Baalat.

Sarah was waiting just outside the front gates of the bastille in her pajamas when Anastasia landed. She followed Sarah inside and down the corridors to the special room that had been built just for Baalat. It was completely padded on the floors, walls and ceiling. It was padded with the same buneydle fabric Phoenix used to make the coat. Anastasia set Baalat down on the floor just outside the room's door and unwrapped the blanket from around her. Instantly her screams were unmuzzled and echoed throughout the halls. She still fought at the jacket to get it off but now it had taken its true form of a straightjacket. Anastasia picked her up by one of the straps looking her directly in the eyes.

"This is for all of the pain and sorrow you have caused MY Phoenix. This is for posing as ME in his dreams and memories. And this is for thinking YOU could ever have HIM."

She then threw Baalat into the room. Sarah closed and locked the door.

"*yawing* Ok, I'm going back home to bed. Tell Phoenix not to worry about coming in to help with the paperwork for Baalat. I'll take care of it. I can fill her abilities in from the feather she left and the rest I'll get from observing her."

"Thank you again for coming in so late to help me Sarah."

"Shoot all I did was unlocked the place for you. You did the rest. She won't be able to bother Phoenix anymore in that room. Thomas created a mental barrier over it with Ali's help. No thoughts go in, no thoughts go out."

"Well tell him thank you for me. Next time I see him I'll cook him dinner."

"*yawing* You have a good night Anastasia."

Anastasia hugged Sarah.

 "Thank you for being such a good friend."

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