Chapter 23: Such A Pretty Long Coat.

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Baalat sat anxiously on her bed staring at her room's door. She waited for nightfall to hit before she would go to Phoenix. Despite her other mind egging her on to go sooner she wanted to be in his arms for the first time under the moons light. The sun had just fallen below the tree line but still gave off just enough light to show it was still setting.

Baalat jumped, startled with the sound of someone knocking on her rooms door. Nervously but still sounding sweet she called to it.

"Who is it?"

The voice that replied through the door was much more loving then when she first heard it that night in his dream.

"I've found you haven't I?"

Her heart became a flutter as she unlocked the door.

Phoenix stood before her in the hallway with a wrapped gift in his hands and a smile on his face. She stared into his eyes becoming lost in them.

"Well, now that I've found you after all this time, may I come in?"

Snapping back out of her trance, she blushed while smiling.

"Yes I'm sorry. I'm just so excited that you're here. Is that... Is that a present for me?"

"Yes it is. It's something I made special for you."

She took the hem of his Rough Rider coat pulling him into her room. The broken pieces of mirror had been cleaned up, but she had requested not to have it replaced.

Phoenix sat on the edge of her bed where she had sat so many times before. His wings lay relaxed on his back as he looked up affectionately into her eyes. This caused her to blush deeper. Phoenix handed her the gift purposefully touching her hand as he did so. The feeling of energy she felt from his hand overwhelmed her forcing her to sit on the edge of the dresser behind her.

"Well, go ahead and open it."

Regaining her composure she nodded excitedly. Reaching down to her ankle she pulled a small curved dagger she had strapped there and used it to cut the ribbons that tied the box together.

Lifting the garment out of the box she held it up in front of her. It was along coat that looked like his. It was made of an unusual black fabric that had inlaid deep blue patterns throughout its design.

"It's beautiful. What is it?"

"It's a coat like mine, but I made it out of the highest grade of buneydle fabric. All of the emotions and energy you make me feel went into making it. When you wear it, you'll feel everything I feel from you."

"Aww, that is so sweet thank you so much."

She smiled greatly, setting it down next to her on the dresser.

Phoenix stood from the edge of the bed pulling her back up. She leaned in close against his body, her arms hugging his waist. He wrapped his arms around her pulling her tighter against his body as his wings folded around her. She moaned in happiness and contentment. She could feel his power rush over her body filling her. She knew this is where she belonged; she knew the voice in her head had been wrong. Phoenix did come to her and he did embrace her and all was right in the world.

Lifting her head from resting on his chest she looked up deeply into his eyes. Phoenix gazed back down into hers a coy smile on his face.

"My Phoenix, I have a question for you."


"I have to admit, I did visit you in your dreams to show you where I was so you could find me."

"I know."

"And well, one time while I was there I notice there was a part that I couldn't get to. What's in there?"

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