Chapter 1

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The sound of voices filled (Y/N)'s ears as she sat in the uncomfortable chair surrounded by men in white lab coats. They never spoke to her, never acknowledged her presence. They didn't feel the need to, all they regarded her as was a tool. They would simply take notes until they were satisfied and send her back to the cell she was all too familiar with. The aches and pains from the experiments were still there, but she had learned to live with them since she would get no sympathy. Finally, after who knows how long had passed, the leather straps that had been holding (Y/N) down were released. Though they did leave bruises from being too tight, she was just happy to be done for the day. (Y/N) didn't speak, she simply stood up and followed one of the men.

Her emotionless eyes scanned the hallway that lead to her cell, nothing that, like always, nothing about it had changed. It always looked the same, as did her cell. Walking inside the four walls, (Y/N) watched as the door was once again closed and locked, insuring there was no chance for her to escape. The girl made her way to the bed and laid down. There wasn't much else to do but lay there and wait for whatever else had been planned for her. (Y/N) closed her eyes, already feeling exhausted. So, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

(Y/N) had expected to wake up to the sound of the door opening and one of the men coming in to take her for more tests, but that was not what she was greeted with as she slowly opened her eyes. No, this sound was something she hadn't heard before. It as loud and high-pitched, and she couldn't pin point where it was coming from. (Y/N) Wasn't sure what to do, but she decided to just sit there and wait. After all, if she left her room without permission, she knew she would be in a lot of trouble. And so, she waited. Simply sitting on her bed, eyes glued to the door as, waiting to see if it would open. An unknown amount of time ticked by and nothing happened except for the lights suddenly turning off, shrouding the girl in darkness. Finally, (Y/N) stood up and slowly made her way to the door of her cell.

Slowly, she reached for the handle, pausing as she did so. She was scared, but curious. None of the men in white lab coats had shown up yet, which she found odd. After a brief pause, the five year old grabbed hold of the door handle and twisted. To her surprise, it opened. Wide eyed, (Y/N) pushed the door open. At first, it was hard to see in the dark, but her eyes slowly adjusted, allowing her to at least make her way out into the hallway without bumping into anything. Stepping outside of her cell without being told to was something she had only done once, and she had learned to never try again. Yet this time, there was seemingly no one around to punish her. In fact, there was no one around at all from what she could tell. Looking around, (Y/N) started to walk down the hallway, having memorized part of the building's layout. She kept her hand on the wall to keep herself steady and as she turned a corner, she finally spotted two figures. One of them was lying on the floor, the other standing above them. She couldn't make out many features on either of them, but the one standing had long hair. (Y/N) froze, she didn't remember any of the men in the facility having long hair. Scared she had been seen, (Y/N) ducked behind a corner unsure of what to do next.
A man dressed in a white lab coat was suddenly tackled to the ground, a scarf wrapping around his body. He struggled, trying his best to escape, but to no avail. The hero above him was a young man with long black hair and tired eyes. He looked down at the scientist with hatred in his eyes.

"I've caught the last one" he spoke into his radio, a voice replied, telling him to bring the man back to the entrance of the lab. So, he swiftly used the man's pressure point to rendure him unconscious, just as he did he heard something. It sounded like footsteps, yet they weren't heavy enough to be an adult. Looking around, the hero tried to find the source of the noise. It didn't take long as the figure of what appeared to be a five year old girl suddenly appeared from around the corner, stopping when she spotted him. The hero was stunned as he stared at the little girl. He couldn't make out what she looked like due to how dark it was. The hero opened his mouth to speak, but before he could do so, the little girl's figure disappeared around the corner.

Looking back at the scientist, the young man made sure he was unconscious before making his way to the corner. He was careful not to make too much noise, not wanting to starle the child. Walking around the corner, he was surprised to see that the little girl hadn't run away. She had simply hidden from sight as if she was hoping he wouldn't notice. Now that he was closer, the hero could make our her features. She was around five years old with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. She was thin and dressed in a white hospital gown. There were bandages wrapped around her arms and legs, as well as a collar wrapped around her neck. The two stared at each other, neither of them saying anything. Yet it was clear to the hero that she had been put through things no child should have to experience.

"Hey, are you ok? Come with me, I can get you out of here." He finally spoke.

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