Bab XXII: Desiree Abdi

Start from the beginning

Ajax is an area in Durham, Southern Ontario, part of the city of Toronto. An area with a black population of African and Latin American descent that reaches 16.7%. A beautiful area directly adjacent to Lake Ontario.

They came to a two-story house with two car garages. Rayga went downstairs and knocked on the door while pressing the bell at the door. Not long after, an old woman in black opened the door asking: "Hello, who are you two looking for?"

This time Rayga wasn't with Ayla so he couldn't hypnotize. Rayga introduced herself: "Good afternoon my name is Rayga and this is my friend Rania. We are both missionaries from Sydney, Australia. We are looking for Desiree Abdi. Is this really her home?"

The woman replied: "Desiree doesn't live here anymore, she sold her house to me a few years ago."

Rayga was not discouraged and asked: "Does auntie still have Desiree's phone number."

The old woman replied: "I don't have Desiree's number but my son does."

Then the old woman gave Rayga her son's phone number. Before Rayga left, the old woman called back and told him: "As far as I know, Desiree often plays music or sings in a church in Ajax." She told Rayga the name of the church and its address.

Rayga and Rania got in the car and entered the name of the church into the destination via google maps which told them that the church was only five minutes driveaway from where they were. Rayga asked the driver to drive them there.

Rayga saw a small church that was already deserted because it was 11:47 a.m. Rayga confidently invites Rania to enter the church. Inside the church, it turned out that there were still some people, both young and old, who were practicing choir. Apparently they deliberately practiced after finishing worship.

Rayga and Rania are approached by a man who tells them: "Hello welcome. Just to tell you that the service is over and the evening service will start again at 4:00 p.m."

Rayga explained: "The two of us just wanted to find Desiree Abdi."

The man asked: "If you may know, why are you looking for Desiree?"

Rayga answered truthfully: "There is a very important thing we want to ask Desiree about her husband."

After hearing that Rayga wanted to ask about Desiree's husband, the man pointed to a beautiful white woman who was playing the piano. Then he said: "That's Desiree"

It turned out that Desiree was the vocal teacher in the church choir.

The man informed: "At 12:00 the rehearsal will be over. You better wait."

Rayga looked a little less confident, in his heart he regretted why he didn't ask Ayla to come so that his work would be easier. Rayga prayed for wisdom to the Creator.

Desiree Abdi. 35 years old. Women of Western Canadian descent. Beautiful-faced, fair-skinned, short black hair, 170 cm tall and slim body. Character kind, wise and decisive. Wearing a white long-sleeved top and black trousers. Wife of Denny Abdi, the original owner of the Hypnos body.

At 12:00 the practice was over, the man walked up to Desiree and whispered. Desiree's face changed in displeasure when she heard that two young people wanted to meet her and asked about her husband.

With unsteady steps, Rayga approaches Desiree with Rania. When they met, Rayga looked less confident.

Rayga introduces himself as he invites Desiree to shake hands: "My name is Rayga Mikaelson and this is my friend Rania Wulandari, we are from Sydney Australia" but Desiree gives a cold look even though she finally gives a hand.

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