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     "YES!" I exclaim. That was everyone's que to go completely silent. Crickets decided to make an appearance at this party too. I looked over to Sabrina, her cheeks flaming red. 

      "Who the fuck are you?" the man snickers at me. He head drops into his hands. 

     "Uhhh my name is Maryam..." I look up at him shellshocked. No way he just asked that? That's when everyone in the room bursts out laughing. I'm pretty sure I see a few tears here and there. I could tell Sabrina's shoulders were shaking amusement but was trying to keep it in. That was kind of a low blow, even if I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I look down at my feet wondering where I went wrong. I'm missing something here. 

     I hear a pair of footsteps come towards us. I look up to see a beautiful girl, her long black her flowing behind her and constructing the view of her tan skin. But once she gets up close you see the flawlessly done makeup sitting on her high cheekbones and sculpted jaw. And best of all her captivating cat eyes. She seems like an Asian, very rare in this area of London. She runs forward for the man next to us to catch her and lift her up. 

     "I don't know about her, but I will definitely be your girlfriend baby." She says with a slight smirk directed at me and gives him a huge kiss. This is the third make out/ kiss I have seen that looks as if it were intended for my eyes only. I have a feeling this was a mistake. I came here to fix bonds but instead feel more further apart from the world than ever. 

     "I'm gonna go to Tasha real quick. I will come get you later. Uhm make yourself at home I guess." Sabrina says with a pat to my shoulder. 

     "Nice seeing you by the way. I think." She thinks I didn't here her mutter the last part but I did. That's one way to make me feel left out am I right?

     I see her run off to Tasha in the kitchen. As soon as they see each other Tasha falls to the floor crying of tears. Sabrina has to pick her up while Tasha exclaims "I mean I know she's stupid, but no fucking way she's that stupid." And continues to laugh in her heap of tears with Sabrina. I am 99.99% sure she was just talking about me. 

     This time I genuinely plan to leave. However, something in my gut tells me to stay. And so I stand in the exact same spot I've been for the last ten minutes and contemplate leaving the party to escape my horrible dilemma. I have enough on my plate, I do not deserve all this. 

     "Maryam, is that you?" I hear a man say. He seemed to have just come from outside due to the burst of cool air from the front door. His voice is familiar and yet I can't quite fathom who it is. My initial instinct is to turn around and see if they're talking about me, but after what just happened, I will not risk it. I resort to running off towards the chaos inside the living room. Guess I am staying after all. I regret even thinking I will get a chance to fix things with my friends. 

     "Maryam?" The man says again. He seems closer this time. Surely he isn't talking about me? God that would be awful if I straight up ignored someone at a party. I turn around just in case but don't see anyone I recognise. I continue my trip to the sofa. "Okay good it is you Maryam." The person found the correct Maryam! Congratulations to that person, thank you Allah for letting me escape this one thing at least. 

    I ate those words instantaneously when I saw Mustafa jog towards me as I sat down on the sofa. I thought horribly wrong and now I feel like a terrible friend for ignoring him. He sat beside me and put an arm around my shoulders like it was nothing. My jaw dropped to the floor as I gazed into his Immaculately sculpted face. 

     "Quit staring, what are you doing here?" He asks. 

     I'm still rethinking the past two minutes, then immediately whip my head forward, away from his face, when I subconsciously say "I'm just checking in on friends, haven't spoken to them in a while." 

     "Oh so you made up?" He asks. Right, because he was there right after it had happened. And I foolishly spat all my feelings at him on our car ride and proceeded to ugly cry in front of hi. I feel my cheeks heat up. 

     "Not really..." I say, my head turning the complete opposite direction of his face. 

     "Oh, so you're here to  fix things. And to see me I bet." I can't see him but I know he's smirking on the beautiful face of his. God why does he have to be so understanding and so perfect all at the same time. 

     "Technically I never knew you were coming here, but yes." I say to answer his question. I try not to look so miserable as I turn to see his reaction. We stare at each other for a minute. The world blocks out as soon as we make eye contact. All I hear is the muffled and distorted noise of drunk people being hectic and loud. But when I look at Mustafa it's peaceful. He breaks the silence when he says, "Hey, are you okay?" So he could clearly see through the broken smile. 

     "MARYAMMMM!" Sabrina and Tasha shout. I run up to them straight away. "What the hell was going on we've been calling you." Sabrina says. Great she's clearly pissed off. "I don't know I was just talking." 

     "Fucking liar, I saw you two looking at each other like you were in loOOoOooVe" Tasha sneered. She has clearly been enjoying herself at the party. 

     "Don't mind her she's been drinking. By the way, at least tell us if you're going to come to the party or something next time, cause I can't lie, but you keep embarrassing us and it's taking the piss." Sabrina says.

     "Sorry, I really am, But I have no idea how I went wrong this time." 

     "Are you joking?" She deadpans. "That's our brother you idiot." She smacks her head into her hands and mutters, "Someone save me." My mouth is left agape as I process this information. I forget that Tasha and Sabrina are sisters. We spend so much time as a friend group it's as if we all are actually friends and there aren't any siblings in a group. They also manage to be almost eleven months apart, Sabrina being born in September, and Tasha in August, making them in the same year their whole lives. At first you don't see the resemblance, but as time went on you slowly start seeing more and more similarities. I should've seen it in their brother too. The same dark hair yet fair skin. Plus, Sabrina and their brother have the same eyes. Of course she reacted that way when he came over. 

     "Are you going to say anything or not? " Sabrina says.

     "I am so so so sorry, I never knew." I say, genuinely remorseful. 

     "Hey, do you need a ride." A deep voice says behind me. I turn around and slam into a hard chest then look up. Mustafa.

Bound By Love, Torn By LoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now