Volume 1; Chapter 2; A New Apple A Day,Keeps the Bookworm Away

Start from the beginning

So much for being similar... I'm over here being forced to work alone.
This had confirmed Raichi's suspicion. Yaori did not in fact like all the attention she has and has gotten. He realized that they were similar in one way or another. Although it wasn't the same way Hiroshi and Hara thought. They saw what was on the surface, that Raichi and Yaori were introverts. What Raichi saw was that they both had experience with having attention they didn't like. Knowing she might not be comfortable with it, Raichi decided to not talk to her if possible, even if that required to somehow change Hiroshi's mind. And well, seeing as to how many ideas Hiroshi might have about making him go out of his way to talk to people, he knew it was best to avoid it.
''Well, maybe you could actually talk to her when we get to class,'' Hiroshi said.
''Don't be ridiculous. You said it yourself she doesn't like to talk. You also said it yourself that I do the same thing. Think of it like a magnet.''
''I will be honest..that was the most wrong thing you've said in a while.''
''What? Are you implying an introvert doesn't talk to an introvert?''
''I mean..!''
''C'mon. One way or another I'll make you chat, okay?
''Ugh..'' Raichi sighed. He realized he really was in a bit of a pickle. It was only the beginning of the day, and Raichi had already gotten exhausted only after the ceremony alone. He couldn't even imagine what the rest of the day would be like now that Hiroshi was on his tail. But regardless, they were already in the hallways. With Hiroshi and Hara's guidance, he decided to have a little tour of where everything was, leaving the classroom for last. The tour had taken some nervousness off of him. After relieving a little, they had arrived at the gates of the classroom and found the seat he had been assigned like everyone else. He had eyes on him again, especially from the ones who had already sat down. The presence of a certain person didn't seem to present yet. That didn't stop him from just sitting down and pulling out a book, digging another deeper hole that he fell in himself. After sitting down, it seemed like the three of them were quite near each other. He had ended up in the back of class, his back against the wall. Hiroshi was sitting right in front of him, and Hara was to Hiroshi's right, creating a ninety-degree triangle shape. Raichi had already gotten into his flow state, getting absorbed into the book. Hiroshi and Hara also sat down.
"Hey, dude. I have something to say."
...Raichi who was already in the zone wasn't hearing him. Hiroshi became seemingly concerned.
"Quick." Hiroshi tapped him. The tap woke him up.
"Sorry. Zoned out."

"What I had to say was, the other popular boys of the class might come and talk to you. To kind of..explore your profile."
"Well, do know if you aren't at least a little interesting you'll be looked down upon by them." He explained.
"Ha, jokes on them I've been looked down upon my entire life."
"I'm serious..!" said Hiroshi, actually looking serious. Once Raichi bothered to look at him, he could see that Hiroshi wasn't lying. His joking expression had quickly taken on a worried composure. He began to panic, and in a hurry asked;
''What do I do if they approach?''
''Act natural, and lie.''
''Which one??''
''I don't know, don't ask me!'' The two of them said back and forth. And a group of three had come up to them, they were comparable to Hiroshi. Raichi felt like he was being towered over. Their presence was hard to tell. He couldn't know their intentions from their face alone.
''Why hello.''
''You must be the new transfer student, Sato-kun, was it?''
''Yes, that would be me.''
''You can call me Takashi-kun. So, what do you think of your experience so far?'' As Haruki kept talking, his intentions were becoming clearer. He seemed to be just welcoming him. Recognizing the sincerity, Raichi cooled his head. Hiroshi had gotten confused as to the kind approach Haruki had taken.
''My..experience you say?'' Raichi said thoughtfully.
''Yeah. What do you think?''
''Well, nothing is worse than what I had going on before, so I'd say it's better now that I am with the only two friends I have.''
''I..I see. Who are these two friends of yours?''
''Hiroshi-kun and Hara-chan sitting right over there.'' After Raichi said that, Haruki turned towards Hiroshi and Hara. Once he realized who they were, he put on a sweet smile. Now, even Hiroshi could tell his intentions, so he too calmed down a little.
''Say, you two know each other Kimura-kun?''
''Yeah. Since middle school actually.''
''That's great. I'm happy to know someone can show Sato-kun around.'' Haruki said, reassuring Hiroshi. As Raichi had thought, people like him knew how to control the room and act accordingly. Or maybe it was just something an introvert like him couldn't comprehend. Though it seemed like the conversation wasn't done yet.
''Say, how about I raise that friend ratio of yours to three?''
''Um.. that's sudden, but...I wouldn't mind it.''
''Alright then, consider me a friend of yours. Feel free to talk to me.'' Haruki said like it was nothing. His wording had Raichi flabbergasted. The way he said it so nonchalantly and casually, Raichi could never imagine himself chatting like that with people he didn't know. And before he could say anything, the three of them had already left. Hiroshi and Raichi took a second and looked at each other. Their faces very visibly said 'What just happened?' Hara who had watched everything unfold, laughed it off.
''That must have been fun to watch.''
''It was. Congrats on getting your 'friend ratio' up a notch.''
''He didn't need such fancy wording, but I get he was trying to be approachable. He could tell I was hard to approach.''
''If you could tell how hard to approach you are, I feel like the self-awareness should be put to use,y'know?'' Hara remarked.
''Ha, shut up.''
''Speaking of being aware..'' Hiroshi cut in. He looked anxiously around. It seemed like he was looking around to see who was there and who wasn't. Raichi who could tell something was off decided to speak up.
''You doing okay?''
''I think I remembered something important. One second.'' He raised his finger, requesting a moment. Then, he slowly approached the list with all the assigned names and desks. When he saw what he had thought he saw, his heart skipped a beat. Afterward, he turned around and looked at Raichi with a smirk. Raichi knew it was a face that Hiroshi would make when he knew something he didn't. When he finally came back over, the only thing Raichi could expect was some sort of news, but what?
''Hey, dude. I have a very big thing to say. Try not to explode.''
''When have I ever been mindblown by whatever you have to say, Hiroshi-kun?'' Raichi said confidently.
''Yeah, that's because you can read my mind with relative ease. But I bet you can't tell what I'm about to say.''
''Y'know what, it is true that I don't know what you have in mind, but it won't surprise me.''
''Oh yeah? Well, you see the empty seat to your left?''
''Yeah, what about it?''
''You see, the very person sitting there is Yamada-san herself.''

Introverts Impressions' Interlude; Sato to Yamada no YumeWhere stories live. Discover now