Ep. 1: Introduction to Hypnotism

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Abbigail Bronson was very excited for her first day of senior year. It wasn't because she knew it meant only one more year of school before she was finally free to condemn herself to four more years of ever harder school. No-in fact, she wasn't looking forward to that prospect at all, especially since she still had no clue where she wanted to go for college. What she was excited for, however, was finally getting to see Skyler Withers again.

It was the first day, and that meant that it was time for the tradition of meeting all of her friends at the back of the cafeteria to compare classes and see who would be taking what together for the trimester. There were a few of them that she was excited to see, but most of them she had hung out with already over the much too short summer. Her best friend, Cleo Westcott, had seen her almost every day for the break, as the two were practically inseparable since elementary school. Skyler, however, was different. The boy worked a full-time job ever since he turned 16, and though they had also been friends since elementary school, once that job took over his life, "hanging out" wasn't really an option outside of school.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem. Plenty of people have friends that they only see at school. For Abby, however, it was a little more difficult due to the fact that she might have had just the teensiest tiniest little crush on the boy. And by that, I mean that she was absolutely head over heels for him.

She couldn't exactly recall when it started. As mentioned, Abby had known Skyler since they were kids. One day, though, she found herself growing quite fond of him in a different way, and as puberty hit, Skyler turned from a boy into what could easily pass for a man. He was handsome, to say the least, and that full-time job he worked at his grandfather's auto shop had simply done wonders for his physique. Normally, Abby would have been able to contain her emotions, even through that sly smile of his and those eyes that made her melt like butter in a hot pan. What made her defenses slip, however, was how damn sweet the boy was.

Year after year, despite him only growing more and more beyond what she deemed "Her league", Skyler still stuck with her, making an effort to say hi anytime he'd bump into her in the halls, or sit and talk with her and Cleo at lunch sometimes. He'd compliment her outfits and ask about how her life was going with genuine interest. He'd remember small things about her that she didn't even recall telling him, and worst of all, when it had been a while since she'd seen him, he'd pull her into his big strong arms and hold her there for just the right amount of time to make her wish he'd never let go. Abby couldn't recall when she first caught feelings for him, but she reckoned it had to be the first time he had ever done that.

Back in 6th grade, Erica Depson and her little posse had made her cry one time at lunch. Skyler hadn't been there to witness it, but when he found her alone in the hallway, hugging her knees and sniffling gently, he sat with her in his arms until she forgot what she was upset about. That's when she knew that Skyler was a good friend and that he cared a lot about her.

Yes, Abby was excited for her first day. She had her outfit all picked out to look just right (she had even got it Cleo approved) and she had spent an ample amount of time tweaking her wild auburn hair so that it was less wild and more stylishly wavy. She was feeling confident for all the twenty minutes that she was up and getting ready, but as time wore on and the clock got closer to the ring of the school bell, her anxiety crept in. Was her hair still too wild? Was the outfit she had on really perfect? Should she put some foundation to tone down the mess of freckles scattered about her face? It looked dirty, she always thought to herself. Her face looked spattered in mud. Her mom had always told her that freckles were cute, but that's not what Erica Depson had told her that day back in 6th grade to make her cry.

Abby stood looking at herself in the mirror, turning to a side profile to see how her outfit complimented her body. It was another thing she was never quite content with. Abby wasn't overweight, but she was certainly a curvy girl. She always envied Cleo, the girl who managed to be effortlessly skinny no matter what habits she held. She was certainly no Erica Depson, with her fit, athletic body and impossibly toned legs and ass. This was a silver lining in Abby's eyes about her weight, however. It really did give her a rear to compete with, and breasts that were bigger than most. She wasn't a flirt by any means that needed those things to get by, but it certainly did help her feel a little more comfortable in her own skin.

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