Name - Tamotsu

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My dearest little traveler you are beautiful and unique creature I have ever seen in my life .
My name is Tamotsu , my age is unknown because I'm a forest Elf
I mostly live in the forest will a couple more elves that I take care of .
I really want to know human calture is like and other stuff as well.
I hate Loud city noises and other stuff as well.
I'm a lord in a mansion of elves but call meh in my name then Lord
I have pet dog name is Roger he's a good boy who enjoy meeting others
Other stuff
My hobbies is sleeping , swimming , having fun with the kids , I love cooking , drawing , writing , and other stuff as well
My sexuality is Bisexual and I am singel as well
I have sibings two older brothers and one younger brother
I'm from the Forest in Brazil
I work sometimes as a lawyer in New York when I'm over there and I'm a guardian of the forest as well

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