There suguru stood with his usual polite smile "Suguru!!" Saeri cheered as she held onto his leg, her brother letting out a soft chuckle as he patted her hair, their parents coming to greet him

Seeing as he was the only sorcerer in the family it was rare for him to visit but he still tried to make time

"So, how's school going?" Their father asked as the four sat down to eat, Saeri insisting on sitting next to suguru, playing with his hair that'd grown longer

"It's good dad"

"How're Satoru and shoko? We haven't seen them in a while" Their mother smiled as she poured the two geto siblings a drink,

Saeri flicking a pea at her older brother brother whilst their parents were looking, geto pulling a fake offended face to make her giggle, something they did each time they were on the table

"They're fine"

He said once more, still wearing his usual smile, Saeri bursting with excitement as she planned to show him the drawing she'd completed

"The food was amazing mum" He hummed as he helped her tidy up, Saeri being entrusted to carry two plates

"It was great mum, I love curry" She smiled as Suguru took the plates off of her and placed them in the sink before going to play with her

"It's no problem, I'm lucky to be blessed with such amazing children" Their mother smiled "and bonus is they get along great" Their father added "Saeri didn't you have a drawing you wanted to show suguru?"

"Oh yeah!! It's in my room, I'll go get it!" She gasped, getting up and running towards her room,

It took her a little longer to reach the drawing as her father had placed it in a higher part of the wall, but just as she managed to snatch it off, the sound of squelching followed by her mothers screams and silence caught her attention

"What's wrong?" Saeri asked as she placed her hand on the corner of the wall only to feel a warm and slimy liquid, bringing her hand away and looking to see it was coated in blood

"Suguru??" Saeri said, attempting to scream but only a hoarse and petrified voice coming out as she looked at the mangled corpses of her parents, her eyes meeting her older brother who sat on the sofa with a dead look in his eyes

His now messy hair sticking onto his blood soaked face as he 'watched' tv

"Suguru.." Saeri muttered, finally catching her brother's attention

"Ah, there you are Eri" He smiled, using their mothers nickname for her

"What's going on?" The five year old blinked as she walked towards her brother, chasing the comfort of his arms

And like he always did when she was scared, he embraced her and patted her head

"You don't need to worry about it" he said in a gentle tone "it'll all be over soon"

"What will be over?.." She blinked, Sugurus silence worrying her

Instinctively, she tried to back away, but he was stronger, his arm acting as a cage whilst he used the other to draw a sword

"I'm sorry" He whispered "but if I need to create a world with no monkeys, it'd only be right to start with my family"

"Goodbye, eri"

With that, he plunged the sword into her chest with such force that the handle was practically inside her chest

She couldn't say anything, all she could do was meet the cold eyes of her brother as he withdrew the sword, Saeris body hitting the floor with a thud

"Such a shame, if only you were sorcerers" Suguru sighed, placing the murder weapon next to his dying sister and dead parents before walking out of the house, renouncing his past life in favour of a new one


Saeri couldn't think straight, she could barely breath, she couldn't talk and she was beginning to choke on her own blood

Her brother had chosen to kill her, without any hesitation

"Why.." a whispy voice spoke "how..could you?" It continued, a huge terrifying but oddly comforting creature appearing infront of the girl

Was this a curse? Was this what suguru always talked about? What he had to consume

"How could you?!" The curse screamed once more

It had a hallowed skeletal face, a pair of glowing yellow eyes lying behind its mask, its body was huge and skeletal like with multiple diamond like patterns

"How could he?" It repeated, staying close to saeri, almost as if it was talking to her

"What are you?" She thought, unable to make the words come out, but to her astonishment, it seemed to understand her

"Hensetsu" It stated

"Betrayal?" She thought

"Hensetsu! Hensetsu!" The curse repeated, grabbing the girl and shaking her which only worsened her injuries, upon realising what it was doing, it halted in its movement and placed her down, suddenly disappearing

Except it didn't, instead it almost felt like it was merging with her

"If you wish to live, we will work as one master" the curse spoke, or rather a voice in saeris head spoke as the pain in her chest began to subside

Was she dying?

No..something, it was healing her

"Master?.." she managed to cough out

"You created me, I live to serve you" the curse stated, saeris world going dark


"Saeri?? Saeri can you hear me??" Satorus voice bellowed as the child finally came to, opening her eyes to see a panicked shoko and satoru and concerned yaga

"Huh.." She muttered, sitting upright only for shoko to place her hands on her back

"Woah there" She said in a gentle tone, pushing the hair out of her face "be careful saeri, you just received some pretty dangerous wounds to your heart, no one knows how your still alive" Shoko stated whist Gojo looked at her with both disbelieving and rage filled eyes

In disbelief at the fact suguru could do that to his kid sister and anger at his stupid corse of actions

"Do you have any idea how you got better?" Yaga asked Saeri as she looked at her brothers teacher

"I did it.." she muttered, the adult and two teens sharing a look of confusion

" did it" Saeri shook her head

"It?" Shoko questioned, a cursed presence so devastating it made shoko, yaga and Gojo raise their arms in defence surrounding the young girl

It was an erie one, but it also felt heartbreaking, like they wanted to cry, it could only be described as deep blue

"It" A distorted voice spoke as a curse emerged from saeri who wore a downcast expression

"She's cursed" yaga muttered

"No, I think she created that curse" Gojo hummed "it seems like lovely Saeri has developed her cursed technique" he hummed

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