The Prologue.

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Envy - a negative feeling of desire centered on someone who has something that you do not.

You and Rhea were high school sweethearts. Things were beautiful..up until Liv got around. What would happen if you and Dominik finally got together?

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"I trusted you. You gave me your word and I thought everything was gonna be fine!"


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Rips.: You know you miss me.

"Babe, what is this in your phone

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"Babe, what is this in your phone..?"

. . .

"1..2..3! Here's your winner and NEW WWE Women's Champion (wrestling name insert)" Rhea smiled as she leaned back against the soft couch, watching as you beat Iyo for her title. How fucking perfect.

. . .

"Dom I don't know man..something seems off about them two."

. . .

Always keep your eyes open.

. . . .

"Oh trust me Dom, she'll never forget who she belongs to."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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