June 30th 2015

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I was about to write to write June 29th, but it's 1:00 am.

Today's been boring. I went to my moms house, and my sister got a checking account. I went to Burger King and got a whopper, and then when I got home autumn went to Anderson so I started binge eating. I hate myself, I can't stop once I start.

Then Karsen came, and was like "LETS STAY UP ALL NIGHT LONG!" And then she falls asleep.

She tells me I can't fall asleep but she's the one to, idk why we even try anymore. I need sleep, and she gets tired easily.

Sleep is honesty the best thing ever. when I'm sleeping, it's like I'm dead. I don't have to deal with stupid shit, I never overthink, and I always dream of a much better world. usually, in my dreams, Ashton loves me. Which is silly I know, but it makes me happy.

so anyway, here I am, not being able to sleep because of the voices, while everyone else is either asleep or ignoring me which is cool because it gives me time to overthink and cry a bit. but whatever - C

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