"What should we do?"  Their eyes pivot toward me, and I gulp.  Usually, I'm the one to offer the ideas, but my fuzzy mind is still swirling with steve energy facts.

"I think a party would help."  Violet Leader offers.

"Violet, not everything can be fixed with a party."  Orange Leader grumbles.  "What do you think?"  He ignores the frustrated glare of his coworker, eyes locked on mine.

"I think you guys know your people better than I do!"  I step back, suddenly uncomfortable.  "Actually, I've got a place to be."  In all the excitement, I'd nearly forgotten my escape plan.  But when I turn to eye the stairs, Light is already there, arms crossed.

"Seriously, Sabre, you can't just go."  Most of the leaders nod in agreement.

"They're going to wonder where you are, especially after the attack."


"You have to help us fix this."

I blink, confused.  They're usually fine doing stuff without my input.  Why is that changing now?  Especially when this is the one time I have other stuff to handle.  M probably won't be at the abandoned library for a while, but I won't be able to sneak off if they rope me into damage control.

"Come on Sabre, just until the people calm down."  Green Leader bargains.  "Please?"

"No."  I say firmly.  "It could be weeks before that happens."

"Sabre, for Origin's sake!"  Goosebumps creep up my arms as Light gets closer, sending a chill through the air.  His face looks red.  I take a step back.  "What is up with you!?  You're sneaking out, barely getting enough sleep, you refused to help with the recruitment-"

"I don't-"  I try to protest, but Light isn't finished.

"And now you're trying to ditch us!  Is this about that M guy again?  I've seen you talking with him and-"

"Shut up."  My hands clench into fists.  I can't tell what emotion is running through me, but I know I don't like it.  "That's none of your business, Light."

"It is too my business!  As the Captain of the Colorless Guard, I have a right to know what's going-"

"As the Captain of the Colorless Guard, I should think you have other things to worry about!"  I shout back, cutting him off.  I ignore the way I'm starting to shiver.  "Go focus on your guard, Light.  I'll come back tomorrow, when you've all regained your senses."  I shove past him and start to descend.

"Wait, what?"

"You can't do that!"


I ignore them, practically running down the stairs.  I don't stop.  I don't even bother with the gate.  Instead, I circle around to the secret exit that I've seen Light use sometimes.  I don't think he knows that I'm aware of it yet.  As I slip through to the outside of the wall, I notice some strange black marks on some of the stone bricks.  I frown, but shake it out of my head.  I'm done dealing with the Rainbow Kingdom's problems for the day.

Careful to avoid being spotted by the gate guards, I dart toward the Abandoned Library.  It feels good to curl up among the dusty yellowed tomes, hidden in the vines and warped bookshelves.  I try to swallow the painful lump in my throat, but it won't disappear.  Instead, tears streak down from my blindfold.

This is silly.  It was just an argument.  There's nothing to be crying about.

Still, my vision gets blurry, and my breathing starts to shake with quiet sobs.

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