Sabre, We Have a Problem

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Day 5

Sabre's P.O.V.


"So things are finally starting to settle down?" The Orange Leader breathes a sigh of relief. I notice the dark bags under his eyes have started to fade. He's been recovering from his imprisonment under the Corrected Sun. They all have.

"Yeah, I guess having a common enemy really brings people together." Violet Leader smiles. In response, the Yellow Leader shifts uncomfortably in his chair. Nobody wants to mention that his former assistant was the common enemy. Nor that his inaction helped the Corrected Sun grow stronger.

"Have you seen the blue and indigo districts lately?" Indigo Leader pipes up shyly. "The Orange Steves have been helping to expand them. They're really pretty!"

"Aww, thanks." The Orange Leader lights up at the praise. "I think my people feel really sorry about the way we've treated you guys. We hope we can make it up to you."

"Of course, that means the red district's empty again." Blue Leader points out with a laugh. "Since we aren't using that housing."

"Why did we build it anyway?" Green Leader asks Violet. "It's not like there are Red Steves around anymore." I stay silent from my spot beside Light's chair. How would it look if I started cracking up in the middle of the citadel?

"You never know." Violet shrugs. "We didn't think the Blue and Indigo Steves would join, either. Maybe a Red Steve will show up."

As if their words summon him, M bolts into the room.

"What the- Oh, M, you startled me!" Indigo Leader clutches his chest, eyes wide.

M skids to a halt, probably just realizing we are halfway through a meeting. I can't see his face, but his breathing is fast, like he sprinted all the way here. He's in a hurry.

"Do you mind?" Yellow Leader huffs.

"No, we do not." Blue retorts. "M saved us when we were trapped down in those sewers, remember?"

"Am I interrupting?" M asks in a strained voice. I frown, crossing to join him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Sabre, I didn't know who else to contact." I nodded quickly, before turning to address the leaders.

"You guys can continue the meeting without me, right?" I glare pointedly at them, and most of them nod quickly. Even the Yellow Leader grumbles his agreement. Satisfied, I steer M out of the room.

"I'm sorry." M repeats the second we're out of earshot. "But nobody in the Red Kingdom knows what to do."

"Calm down." I say quietly. "What's the problem?"

"It's the Professor." M admits. "He's been acting weird lately. The Leader's been trying to keep it quiet, but we're both worried, Sabre."

"He won't like me being involved." I mutter to myself, already plotting ways to work around the annoying royal.

"Actually, he agreed to let me bring you." M says, much to my surprise. "You have more experience with weird things than anyone else in this world, except maybe the Professor himself."

I frown. If the Red Leader is agreeing to this, it must be worse than I thought.

"Let's go, then." I agree, pulling a brown cloak out of my inventory and quickly throwing it on.

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