New Dimension

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                    Dorothy awoke hours later to the sounds of murmuring and gasping. She slowly peeked out the window to see what it was that was so startling. But she got too distracted by the beautiful colors of this unknown land. The trees were covered with plump fruits, blades of grass shined with dew and the sky was a beautiful blue. None of which was seen in the grey lands of the prairie she lived in. "Where am I?!" she exclaimed, a voice answered Dorothy, startling her. "You are in The Munchkin Lands of Oz." The voice said. She searched for the owner of it, her eyes landed upon a group of tiny people wearing clothes of all east blue. "Are you the munchkins?" Dorothy asked, surprised by the size of the natives. They all nodded and welcomed her to Oz. After she got over the astonishing sights, she caught her eye on the cause of the commotion. Beneath her now landed house, was a pair of two legs, each with one glistening silver shoe. She stared at them intently, wanting to take them to replace her old ragged leather shoes. She slipped them off the two legs and put them on. Dorothy, now content with her new shoes, threw her old into the sky, never to be seen again. "This would make good money at home!" She said joyfully. But I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore, she thought. She was worried, but yet glad at the same time to have escaped the boring fields. "Could someone help me? I'm lost." Dorothy called out to the munchkin group. They stepped back as a woman wearing white gracefully stepped forward. She wore a long sparkling white dress, which covered her feet, only showing the tips of her silver shoes. Similar to Dorothy's new ones. She wore a white hat which came to a point just above her head. It revealed her beautiful pale face and pearl white hair. "I can help you, for you just killed the Wicked Witch of the East without hesitation, So I guess we can be sure you are a good person." She said gesturing towards the two legs beneath the house. Dorothy gasped as if she just realized she killed the woman. "I surely did not mean to, I was carried upon a cyclone. My house just happened to land on her." Dorothy said with a shameful look on her face. 

"Don't be mad at yourself little girl, that wicked witch has enslaved the munchkins for quite some time, you just released them." The woman replied. Dorothy stood in silence for a few moments to process everything she bluntly ignored. The woman stared at Dorothy's silver heels and gasped. "Were those the Wicked Witch of the East's shoes?" She said with eyes glued on the sparkling shoes. "I believe so, was it wrong to take them?" Dorothy answered. "No, it's just that those shoes possess the powers to take you anywhere. As you could see I have a pair myself. Sorceress wear them to go places quicker. I'm not sure you have the power to do so though. Keep them." Dorothy nodded and bowed once more as she started to leave. "Little girl, before you go, I have one last advice for you," Dorothy turned to hear. "If you would like to go back to your home you were lost from, follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City, Where The Wizard of Oz stays. Go to him and tell him your story, i'm sure he will help you." Dorothy nodded. "Who are you?" She asked curiously, for she couldn't help but ask.

"Im am the Good Witch of the North, pleased to meet you, who are you?" She asked. "I am Dorothy, from Kansas."

 "Kansas? You aren't from here are you?"

"Yes i'm not, but I'm pleased to be here!" The good witch smiled, With that they both turned to leave, Dorothy in one direction, with nothing but a pair of magical silver shoes, and the Good Witch of the North in the other, with a crowd of munchkins following. Dorothy glanced back one last time at the sparkling woman, as she clicked her sliver heels three times and vanished.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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