The beginning {1}

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(Sorry guys, Thursday I was caught up in doing schoolwork and house chores yesterday, and I get distracted easily.)

Third person POV

    Mio pushes as she grips Haru's hand tight. She was sweating a lot and makes a lot of grunts and groans in pain. Finally after half an hour(don't know how long it actually takes to give birth.) she has given birth to her two sons.

    "What should we name them?" Mio asks.

    "Enix and Koru(pronounced like Toru but with a K)." Haru says.

    "No, those don't fit them."

    "Apple Sider?"


    "Apple and Spider?"


    "Then you pick!"

    "Y/n and Hitoshi."

    "Those are the best names I've ever heard, hun." Haru says squeezing Mio's hand.

    "I know, I'm the best."

    "The author says no."

    I just appear and smack Haru. "Now I need to fix the fourth wall, damnit! Break it again and I'll cut you out of the story."


    "Good grief! It's what, 3:30 in the morning for me. It's what, 5:47 or 17:47 here. Ugh, how I hate writing when my characters break the fourth wall. Actually, Haru, you're coming with me to fix the fourth wall. See you never Mio!"

    "Huh? Wha-" Haru gets cut off by me dragging him to help me fix the fourth wall, leaving Mio puzzled. After three minutes, the fourth wall has been fixed. I plop Haru back to where he's supposed to be at and say, "Don't speak of what you've seen." Then I vanish.

    Haru is trembling and hugs Mio's arm tightly. No author is not telling you what Haru saw. Author will tell you what Haru heard. "Some two will make my best friend's cry~. Do-da do-da~. That some two is gonna die~. Oh, de-do-da-day~. Don't matter to me~ if they're family~! They'll make them cry! They chose to die! Oh, de-do-da-day~, hey!" No one hurts Y/n, or Hitoshi. Yes, author is weird but author wanted that in story, so here's your daily dose of crack. Yes, it is a meme, or audio used in memes, just a little different. Author loves this.

    After deciding that their son's names will be, Y/n and Hitoshi, they went home. Author removed anyone trying to make Haru and Mio pay for helping Mio give birth. This world is now short a few people, but who cares? Author doesn't.

                   Time skip to when they're 3 years old.

    Y/n waddled over to the fourth wall and smacked it. The wall fell down... I appeared. "Who broke- Aww!! You're so handsome!" I say as I pick up Y/n. "I'm sure you did it on accident!" Y/n did not do it on accident, Y/n did it on purpose. But Author doesn't care. Author will let Y/n get away with that. Author will not, when Y/n is older, and knows what not to do.

    Author set Y/n down and fixed the fourth wall with a snap of my fingers and vanished. Y/n claps then plays with Hitoshi, like nothing happened. Both Haru and Mio agreed to never anger the author or hurt Y/n. Haru and Mio loved Y/n and Hitoshi with all their hearts.

                               Time skip 2 years later

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