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Enza was currently taking a shower, and I wanted her to freshen up and change out of her wet clothes. It bothered me when she was sick and still wearing damp clothes. I walked over to the room and grabbed some of my smaller sweatpants and one of my shirts. Then, I made my way back to the bathroom door and knocked.

"Enza, I'm coming in. I brought you a change of clothes," I announced. I heard her respond with a soft yes. Opening the door, I placed the clothes on the bathroom sink. She had already finished showering and was wearing her undergarments. I left the bathroom and waited for her in my room. We were planning to watch her favorite show, Rick and Morty.

Soon enough, she entered the room, looking adorable and a bit shy in my clothes.

"Don't give me that look, you're making me nervous," Enza said quietly. I watched as her cheeks turned red. "I think you're beautiful, baby... you already know that" I reassured her in my naturally raspy voice. She looked down, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Can I wear some of your cologne? It helps me sleep better when you're not here," she asked. I smiled at her and went to grab my favorite cologne, the one she liked the scent of. Approaching her, I gently sprayed some on her neck and the shirt she was wearing. I casually tossed the cologne onto my bed without moving from in front of Enza. She looked up at me, a smile forming on her face before quickly looking back down. She was always so shy around me, and I adored it. I loved how she only trusted me and no one else. I felt a duty to protect her no matter what, and I cherished that feeling.

Our relationship had come a long way. I still remembered when I first met her, and she wouldn't let anyone touch her, not even me. Until one day, her dad had hurt her so badly, almost breaking her ribs. She was in so much pain when she came to me, and it physically hurt me too.

Enza suddenly remarked, "Your eyes are so stunning!" I couldn't help but laugh and express my gratitude. She grinned at me, gently resting her hands on the back of my neck.

"Don't let it get to your head, Enza," I whispered softly. Out of the blue, Enza murmured, "Do you want me to kiss you?" I pondered her question, fully aware that the last time we kissed, she had a freak-out. I reached out and placed my hand on the back of her neck, playfully toying with her hair. As my hand moved upwards, entangling with her locks, I gave it a gentle tug. In response, she pushed my hand away and lightly slapped my arm, panic evident in her eyes.

"Please don't do that, it scares me," she pleaded, her touch soothing the spot where she had hit me. I nodded, motioning towards the bed to make room for her. I lay down, grabbing the remote and switching to the adult swim channel. Without hesitation, she hopped into bed beside me, intertwining her feet with mine, while her hand playfully traced the pendant hanging from my chest. As she turned her head towards the TV, the sound of Rick and Morty filled the room. I listened to her breathing, not really paying attention to the show. After a while, I noticed her breathing had evened out, indicating that she had fallen asleep.

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