ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ 85 {ᗯOOᗪY'ᔕ ᗷᗩᑕK?}🐑

311 19 4

Hey y'all, once I've finished this Book I'm wanting to start another, completely unrelated from Toy Story. If you have any suggestions that you'd like to put forward, please do!

I can't promises everything but I can have a look and we'll go from there. ;)

ᒍEᔕᔕIE'ᔕ ᑭOᐯ

"He's not anywhere. Forky's gone!" Bonnie tries out, trying her hardest to contain the tears. They have been looking all morning at it breaths my heart. Buzz still hasn't come back with Woody and Y/n, who have been gone since last night looking for Forky. This isn't looking good.

"Oh, honey, I'm sorry." Bonnie's mom watches her daughter sadly.

"Okay. Let's look outside one more time. But then we have to keep driving, okay?" Bonnie's dad offers her comfort, poor Bonnie. The little family hop up and begin their final look from outside the RV, we have to do something!

"They're about to leave!" As soon as that door shuts I hop up, making sure the group knows what's going to happen.


"Oh how could this get any worse!"

"They can't do that!"

"This is terrible!"

"The panic is attacking me! Aah!" Rex waves his tail around and it throws Mr Potato heads pieces everywhere.

"Hey watch it!"

Everyone freaks out, we have to think fast. We can't leave four of our friends behind! Mrs potato head wails out, within the cluster of panicked chatter "What do we do?"

"We have to stop them!" I declare, there must be a way somehow.

"How?" Dolly questions, seeing no hope for us.

Buttercup on the other hand has an idea that I don't think we will use "We could frame Dad for a crime, so he goes to jail."

I take a moment to think this through. Something needs to happen, something the halts them from moving on but also doesn't harm anyone.

"Or go back in time and warn Woody and Y/n about the future." Rex chatters in the background, but I've already got a better idea.

"That's crazy. Time is a flat circle." Trixie argues as I dash through their conversation and hop out the window, just like everyone else has, but feeling determined!

I keenly hat close to me, staying light on my feet, hearing the conversation that Bonnie is having with her parents. "sorry, Bonnie. We looked everywhere. But we need to get going now, okay?" I need to act now, their are ready to leave.

"Can we please leave a note for Forky so he knows where we're going? He has to go to kindergarten." As Bonnie whimpers I look around the dark underside of the vehicle and spot a great place to attack. Fetching a stay mail that was hanging lose from a bumper I work my magic and stab a hole in the base of the tire, furthest from the family.

Can't go no when when a front tire is flatter than a pancake. "Huh? Agh! Are you kidding me? I can't... Everything is going perfect... I just bought it. Urrrggh!" Bonnie's dad groans, inspecting the damage after I've made my get away. It's kind of funny how quickly the vehicle went down.

"Okay! Daddy's going to use some words. How about we go to the carnival? Or maybe check out some of those shops in town?" Bonnie and her mom wander off, I've just successfully bought us some time!

Proudly I hop back up into the back window looking at my curious friends "What did you do?" Dolly asks, the space slightly on an angle.

"We're not going anywhere." I grin, flicking the sharp nail up and tapping my hat with it "If you get my point."

TᕼE ᔕᕼEᖇIᖴᖴ'ᔕ ᗪEᑭᑌTY {Y/n the Everything Doll}Where stories live. Discover now