Chapter Five

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After listening to me ramble on about my (not so interesting) life, I looked back up at Errol, who was smiling. I supposed that, after so long of having to endure horrible torment due to his abilities, it was nice hearing about a normal life for a change.

“Your family seem like great people,” he murmured.

I chuckled. “Oh, we have our moments, believe me. My mom and I tend to butt heads a little more than Dad and me, but I’m definitely like both of them in different ways.”

“And your brother?”

“Drew’s a great guy. But it would be abnormal and untruthful for me to say that I don’t dream of ripping his head off on occasion.”

Errol laughed. “Of course. Completely normal.”

I laughed as well and then gave a yawn. I glanced at the clock on my DVR and saw that it was after eleven. Normally, I was a total night owl and stayed up way too late, but this day had worn me out.

“Getting late,” Errol said, running his hand through my hair.

“This isn’t usually ‘late’ for me. I’m always up way later than this, even on work nights.” I sat up straight and yawned again. “But I am pretty tired right now. Would you have any idea why that is?” I gave a snide little smile.

“I can’t imagine,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “Are you turning in?”

“I’m thinking we both should,” I stood up. “It’s been a long day, much more so for you than me. The guest room is all made up, so…”

Errol looked a little sad again.

“Hey,” I said. “It’s right next to mine. If you need anything throughout the night, just knock on my door. I’ll hear it.” I wanted him to know that I was there for him, even if he couldn't see me. Of course he was afraid of the one person he felt a connection to suddenly disappearing.

But I wouldn’t disappear.

Errol nodded and stood up as well. He wrapped his arms around me a little hesitantly, but I hugged him back, which seemed to ease his uncertainty. There was nothing lustful about it; there was just tenderness and real depth of feeling there. Something that neither of us have had in a very long time, for very different reasons. I also felt a sense of need from him as we held each other, which didn't surprise me, but it wasn't in a “clingy” sort of way. It was like he was just trying to keep himself grounded.

“Hard to believe we've only known each other for a day,” I laughed.

He smiled. “Well, it’s been a pretty long time since anyone cared about me the way you seem to.”

“Yeah, I do,” I said. “Normally, I would never have given in to my initial feelings this quickly, but…you’re a special case. And, I think I need this as much as you do. Just in a different way.”

Errol quirked an eyebrow. “You think I’m special?” He grinned slightly.

“I know you are. And not just because of your powers. After everything you’ve been through, the idea of trusting anyone else must have seemed impossible.”

“It was. For a long time. But…you’re a special case.”

I chuckled and playfully rolled my eyes at my own words being directed at me.

“Will you be okay tonight?” I asked.

“I think so,” he whispered. He let go of me, but held onto my hand and let me lead him down the hall to the bedrooms.

Gesturing to my closed door, I said, “I’ll be right in here, okay? I don’t have to worry about you teleporting away now, do I? You’ll be here when I get up?” I grinned and cocked my eyebrow.

“Like you said, I don’t have anywhere else to go. So, yes, I will be here when you get up.”

“Good,” I said. “Well, goodnight, Errol.”

“Goodnight, Catherine.”

I watched as Errol entered the spare room and gently closed the door behind him, and then entered mine. I hoped he would have a good night’s sleep, but honestly…I wasn’t sure. After all he’d been through, and for so long, nightmares probably came with the territory, right? I brushed my hair and got under the comforter.

I let sleep take me, hoping that it would take Errol as well.

I was awoken by the sounds of uneasiness from the room next door – tossing and turning, murmurs, even the occasional cry. After my brain took a minute to recall the events of the previous day, I felt around groggily in the dark for my phone to check the time. Two-thirty AM.


I knew this would happen, I was expecting it. How could I not? I quickly got out of bed and quietly went over to my door, and opened it to the hallway. I stood tentatively outside the closed guest room door for a moment, not totally sure what to do. I couldn’t just go barreling in there, that would scare him half to death. But if I just knocked quietly, he may not hear me over the horrific nightmares he must be having.

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